
Best Practices for Presenters in a Post-Covid World (Hosted by TMN) | #powerpointdesigners



Once we dig out from this pandemic, we will be able to get back to normal presenting and normal PowerPoint practices, right?

Um, no.

Our profession will never be the same again, and whether you consider that to be a Covid curse or a Covid silver lining depends entirely upon your point of view. Presenting remotely requires the acceptance that you will not enjoy the same level of engagement that you will have with an in-person audience. Meanwhile, presenting in person involves an implicit concession that the only ones who will hear you are those who are able to travel. And you can have your cake and eat it too – speak before a hybrid audience – if you are willing to work harder than you ever have before.

One way or the other, your reality as a public communicator is changed forever as you are likely to have a virtual component to every one of your presentations. This is likely to have a profound impact on how you craft your messages, how you design your slides, and how you wield PowerPoint.

This hour illuminates the redefined fundamentals and the new best practices in the era of permanent virtual presenting.

  • Crafting messages when virtual audiences have perennial ADD
  • Designing slides for multi-tasking listeners
  • Making eye contact with a camera
  • Using PowerPoint to create slides and handouts
  • Looking past conventional (and boring) Zoom

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