We all love seeing restaurant social media posts go viral and watch the likes and the shares roll in. But those “thumbs ups” and “hearts” aren’t necessarily rolling into your bank account. If you are seeing more engagement than sales when it comes to your restaurant’s marketing – it’s time to make these NEW marketing strategies your New Year’s resolution!

In this short video, I will show you a handful of easy ways you can create engagement on social media that help turn those social followers into paying customers and get BUTTS IN SEATS!

Looking for some daily inspiration for social media marketing? Check out my Restaurant 365 Marketing Planner: https://codymediakc.com/restaurant-planner-order


What to do next… 👇

1. Follow Cody Media online 👉 https://linktr.ee/codymedia

2. Subscribe to Cody Media on YouTube 👉 https://bit.ly/35JF3RS

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