Even well-trained students often make annoying mistakes in their homework. How can you avoid them? One of the most right ways is to find a physics homework helper on special services. The assignment done by a competent specialist will allow you to submit correct solutions on time.

We propose to consider the main mistakes and ways of solving the tasks to avoid mistakes in your homework.

Tasks in electrodynamics

Solving tasks in electrodynamics, students find it difficult to answer the question related to the period of change in the energy of the electric or magnetic field in the oscillatory circuit. When answering, as a rule, it is not taken into account that the period of change in the energy of the electric and magnetic field is two times less than the period of change in the strength of the current or charge on the plates of the capacitor of the oscillatory circuit.

When solving problems in optics (diffraction), students confuse concepts such as “maximum spectrum order” and “maximum number of spectra.” The maximum number of spectra that can be seen using a given diffraction grating can be found by multiplying the maximum order of the spectrum by two and adding one to the resulting product.

Also, students make mistakes while doing homework in astronomy. The teacher evaluates not so much the knowledge of a huge amount of data on astronomy but the ability to analyze the material presented in the tabular form related to the characteristics of planets, satellites, and stars.

Problems with a detailed answer

In some assignments, you need to write down the reasoning, indicate physical phenomena and laws, and most importantly – clearly formulate the full answer. If the student thinks correctly but gives the wrong answer, he or she still may receive a good grade.

When a student is working on an assignment, he or she must carefully read the condition, highlight all the terms encountered in the condition of the problem and remember their definitions, answer for himself or herself the questions about the change of which physical quantities are in question, what needs to be found and in what form it is necessary to give an answer (in words – for example, “increasing,” “decreasing,” in the form of a numerical answer, in the form of a graph, etc.).

After the student familiarizes himself or herself with the condition, he or she will need to analyze the processes in question. To do this, you can:

  1. select from the text a description of physical processes, conditions, and sequence of their course;
  2.  establish the relationship between physical quantities, the change of which must be considered when solving the problem, write down the laws and formulas that reflect this relationship;
  3. write down your reasoning in the form of a logical chain;
  4. formulate an answer.

To get a high grade in computational problems, a student needs:

  • to present a drawing, if necessary to understand the situation;
  • to write down the formulas and physical laws necessary for the solution;
  • to describe the letter designations of quantities that are used in the solution. An exception is constants and physical quantities that are in the problem statement;
  • to make a drawing indicating the forces that act on the body, if it is prescribed in the condition;
  • to carry out the necessary transformations and calculations (in this case, it is permissible to solve in parts, then in the calculations, it is necessary to substitute numbers in the final formula);
  • to present the correct answer indicating the desired value.

But remember that according to the criteria for evaluating computational problems, the grade may be lower if:

  • there is no drawing or diagram that had to be done according to the condition;
  • there are one or more errors in the picture;
  • there are no descriptions of physical quantities introduced for the first time;
  • there are errors in mathematical transformations, calculations, or mathematical transformations that are generally absent in the course of solving the problem;
  • there is no substitution of numbers in the final formula or in intermediate formulas in a situation where the calculation is carried out by actions.

Typical mistakes

Let’s consider the typical mistakes of students in solving the problems in physics and tell you how to prevent them in their work.

  • Using formulas that are not in the codifier

Getting a low grade is possible if the solution uses formulas that are not in the codifier. Most often, students make such mistakes in thermodynamic problems and on the movement of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon or horizontally. When solving problems with a detailed answer in ballistics, it is impossible to use ready-made formulas for the maximum flight range, the time of the entire move along a parabola, and the maximum lift height. They must be derived.

  • Solving problems with numbers only

Some students solve problems by immediately substituting numbers without writing down the formula in a general form. In this case, you will get a low grade for the absence of formulas necessary to solve the problem.

  • Numbers were not substituted into the formula when calculating

To carry out calculations in the formula derived when solving the problem, in which the desired physical quantity is expressed in terms of the physical quantities known in the problem, it is necessary to substitute numbers. They also need to be substituted when calculating the problem in parts.

We hope that now you know how to avoid mistakes in your homework. Keep them in mind when you need to deal with physics assignments. Good luck!