An appeal letter against dismissal is a professional document written by an employee who has been unfairly dismissed in order to request that the dismissal be reconsidered. If you are an employee, who has been unfairly dismissed, writing an appeal letter requesting that the dismissal be reconsidered the first step in the grievance process. An appeal letter should be written after reading and understanding the grievance process as outlined in your employee handbook. Be sure to follow all applicable grievance steps, as outlined in your handbook.

This article will discuss what you should include in an appeal letter against dismissal and how to write your appeal letter. It also provides a format for an appeal letter against your dismissal and a sample letter demonstrating the format’s use.

What to Include in an Appeal Letter Against a Dismissal

First, find the grievance process information in your handbook, and list any information it states as a requirement for an appeal letter. It will likely include the following:

  • Your date of dismissal
  • The name of the person who dismissed you
  • The reason given for your dismissal
  • The reason you believe the dismissal was unfair
  • The action you wish, such as reconsideration of the dismissal

If your handbook lists other requirements, be sure to include those in your letter as well.

Tips for Writing an Appeal Letter Against a Dismissal

  • Write your appeal letter to the correct person. This is generally a manager or a representative in the Human Resources Department. Your handbook should contain this information.
  • Write your letter in a professional format. Be sure to write in a polite tone. Being angry or hurt about your dismissal is natural and understandable but keep these emotions out of your letter. They can hurt your case.
  • Admit your mistakes, if any. Attempting to cover up any mistakes you might have made will make your case worse. If you made mistakes, admit them and show how you will avoid these errors in the future.
  • Write clearly and concisely. Use backup documents to prove your case, if possible. For example, if you were dismissed for excessive absences and you can prove your absences were either approved or not excessive, point to this in your letter and enclose a copy of your proof with the letter.
  • State your goal. If you wish your dismissal to be reconsidered, state this clearly. Ask for an opportunity to discuss this with your letter’s recipient. Let them know when you are available.
  • Carefully proofread your letter. You might also want another person to read your letter to make sure your tone is appropriate. Keep a copy of the letter and any documents supporting your case for your files.

Be sure to follow up on your appeal letter if you have not received a response within two weeks.

Appeal Letter Against Dismissal (Format)

{your name}

{your address}

{your phone number}

{your email address}


{recipient name}

{recipient job title}

{company name}

{recipient address}

Dear {recipient},

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my appeal. As you may know, I was dismissed from my position as {job title} on {date} by {name and job title}.{Use this area to discuss why you feel the dismissal was unfair.}

{Use this area to discuss proof that your dismissal was unfair. Use any evidence you have to outline your case.}

I believe my employment was wrongfully and unfairly terminated. I respectfully appeal to you to review the enclosed documentation and to reconsider my dismissal. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my case with you. I am available {dates and times}.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter.


{your signature}

{your name}

Sample Appeal Letter Against Dismissal

Harrison Barnhart

2004 South Elsing Place

Ellory, MI 28995

(475) 896-2240

July 26, 2022

Mrs. Elise Garen

Director, Human Resources

Magnificent Manufacturing

3078 West 93 East Avenue

Ellory, MI 28995

Dear Mrs. Garen,

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my appeal. As you may know, I was dismissed from my position as Manufacturing Lead on July 23, 2022 by the new Director of Manufacturing, Jacob Smith. Until Mr. Smith joined Magnificent Manufacturing on June 2, I had received excellent reviews from my previous manager, Mr. Jones.

Mr. Smith began discussing replacing me as soon as he began here. I have now learned from my previous coworkers that my position has been given to Mr. Smith’s nephew, Jonathon Smith, who has no education or experience in this role. I have ten years of experience with Magnificent Manufacturing, first as a manufacturer, then a supervisor, and most recently as the Manufacturing Lead.

I believe my employment was wrongfully and unfairly terminated. I respectfully appeal to you to review the enclosed documentation and to reconsider my dismissal. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my case with you. I am available Monday through Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter.


Harrison Barnhart

Appeal Letter Against Dismissal (Word Template)

  • Know the grievance procedure
  • Write professionally and politely
  • Admit mistakes if any
  • Be brief and clear
  • Include supporting documents when possible
  • State your goal

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