Custom Website Design

As a business owner, you can narrate your story to your audience using website templates. Websites have the ability to allure customers and draw attention to your products or service.

The average human has an attention span of 8 seconds and if you want to impress visitors on your websites, you need to have a well-designed site. There are two great options that you have when it comes to designing your website – custom web designs and web templates. But which one of the two is better? Let’s find out!

Custom Web Design and Website Template

Get a brief description and clear idea of Custom Web Design and Website Template, which one is better for you.

What Is A Custom Web Design? 

Custom web designs and templates are often confused with each other. Instead of picking up a generic theme from web design companies and services, you invest in a custom design that is unique.

Custom Website Design

Custom designs are fully customizable and allow you to edit just about any visual element on your website. You have the ability to tweak things to your liking. To be successful online, you need to stand out and a custom web design lets you do exactly that.

Custom websites serve two distinct purposes. You allow yourself room to brand your website with custom graphics and also have the option to scale your website and build a visual representation of your brand. The visual flavor and identity of your custom website can extend to your mobile apps, web apps, email templates and more. 

Also, Read: Tips for Choosing a Web Design Agency for Your Business

Who Should Get A Custom Website Design? 

Not all businesses have the same requirements when it comes to custom web designs. For simple websites that do not intend on garnering large amounts of traffic, a custom web design may not be worth it. But if you want your website to be unique, scalable and user-friendly, we recommend going for a custom web design for your brand.

It also serves a long-term investment that you have complete control over. The only downside of having a custom web design is the upfront cost that you have to pay. If you want a fancy design it is going to be significantly more expensive than paid themes that you can grab for much cheaper.

But considering it is an investment to make your brand easily identifiable against your competition, it is worth it in the long run. Creating custom web designs takes a significant amount of time and resources which can also add to your web development time. 

What Is A Custom Website Template? 

Website templates are pre-built templates that have everything you need in one place. Web design companies and services sell templated for much cheaper than it would cost you to get a custom design for your website. There are thousands of templates to choose from that you can grab even for free in some cases.

Custom Website Design vs Templates

The quality of these templates can vary but fancier ones can set you back a decent chunk of money. They are worth it if you have a limited budget and don’t want to invest too much money into your website when starting out. 

Who Should Get Website Templates? 

If you want to create a generic website and have no knowledge about development or coding, website templates are great to start out with. They are very easy to implement onto your website and most good templates come with visual page builders that allow you to customize your website the way you want to without any coding expertise.

Using a website template brings down the cost of setting up a website by a fair bit and it’s great for startups, small businesses and personal websites that have a small audience. The downside to using website templates is that you will be on your own when it comes to designing.

A lot of websites that sell web templates treat it like a one-off transaction and you are left to yourself when it comes to customizing or making changes. Moreover, templates are not always designed to suit your business needs. While short-term solution templates are great, but they do not always work out if you plan on scaling your website.

You also miss out on the chance to create your own brand image through your website if you opt for a template because of how often the same templates get reused across thousands of websites. Visitors on your website may even think that your site is a rip-off just because they see the same template on other websites. 


Both templates and custom designs have their own advantages and disadvantages. But it all boils down to what you need as a business owner. There is absolutely no reason to invest a fortune in a custom design if you are not willing to invest in custom designs from web design companies and services.

On the other hand, if you are willing to create a fresh brand identity on the internet, you should definitely go ahead with a custom web design tailor-made just for you!

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Fretty Francis is a digital marketing and content strategist at SoftwareSuggest, a software recommendation platform. She’s passionate about analytics, conversion rate optimization and ice-cream.

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