What’s up everyone, welcome back to the channel. In today’s video, I am going to discuss that particular problem which does not allow children to score marks in business studies. And now-a-days, case-based questions are also coming in accounts. Now-a-days, case-based questions are also coming in economics. Earlier, they used to come only in business studies. So actually sir, how do these case-based questions, these case studies solve? And what is the best way to solve them? All of them will be discussed in today’s important video.
Because I know, you also face this problem that sir, you have done the chapter, understood the concept, now you are entangled in the case study. Case study is not being solved. So how many marks should have come in half-idli? It didn’t come sir. Numbers have been deducted. So don’t let this happen in pre-boards. Don’t let this happen in boards. I will tell you a lot of solutions in today’s video.
Watch very carefully and note the things. Let’s begin. Intro Now kids, behind solving case studies or behind providing you case studies, why did CBSE include? Why did they include case studies? See, case studies is such a thing that has been going on for a long time. What does case study mean? That whatever you are being taught, you can relate it to real life.
You can see that the concept I am studying, whether I am studying it in economics, whether I am studying it in business studies, does it apply in real life around me or not? Or I am just being taught theoretical things. So it checks your knowledge to the extent that whether you have studied things practically or not. So sir, what is the way to solve case studies? I am going to give you a guide step by step. See kids, for example, if you have any case study, let’s suppose, we will try.
To decode the case study a little. Let’s suppose you have this case study. You get such big case studies in the exam, which you have to solve very carefully. So what is the way, sir? The first way is, son, what you have to do first, that is read the question first. You never have to go directly towards the case study. Always keep this rule in your mind that I am going to read the question first.
I am going to read the question first. I don’t know how many kids of mine bring 100 out of 100 in business studies every year. And there is a special thing in them that they have practiced a lot. So how to practice? You have to read the question first. So what did we do? We read the question first in the case study. Read the question first.
The question was explain the various internal and external sources of recruitment used by New Range to recruit its employees. This means that internal and external sources of recruitment have been discussed here. So as soon as I read the question, it came to my mind that Sir is talking about recruitment. So the second is relate with the concept. What is he asking? What does he want to ask?.
Sir, he is talking about recruitment. Now relate with recruitment. In which chapter did we read this concept? Sir, recruitment, selection, training development was studied in staffing. Oh, it was related. Sir, we studied in staffing. There was nothing like this in planning. There was nothing like this in organizing. It was in staffing that recruiting people, appointing people, bringing people.
So see, half of my thing was solved. You did this much, half of your problem was solved. What did you do very simply? Read the question, relate it, what is he asking? What is the concept? Which chapter can it be from? Now even if you are not able to find the chapter, there is no problem. Is it more important that the concept is being related? Once this is done, then what to do?.
4×4 rule. This 4×4 rule has to be read. Break it into 4-4 lines. Whatever case study you have in the question paper, break it into 4-4 lines. See how easy it will be for you. What am I going to do? I am simply going to break it into 4-4 lines. How am I going to break it into 4-4 lines? Like this sir has become 4 lines.
I drew a line like this, 4 lines. And I am going to read the question like this. I broke my entire case study into 4 parts. This is first, this is second, this is third, this is fourth. This was the question that brother, find internal and external sources. Now see what you have to do. You don’t have to read the whole case study. You have to read the first part first. You have to read the first 4 lines.
Whatever you find useful in this, underline it. Whatever useful thing you find, underline it. Now see recruitment is roaming in your mind. Sir will talk something related to recruitment. So I read the first line. What is New Range? New Range is a company which has departmental stores. They have 56 outlets. They sell best products at lowest price.
Human resource department takes care of everything. Selection, training, motivation, retaining employees. There is nothing related to recruitment in this. That’s it, it’s over. Now I won’t look here. I will cut it in the question paper. I won’t look here. I will quietly cut it with a small pencil. It works so much.
Now I have come here. Now I will see in this. Currently he has 170 full time employees and 30 part time employees. For top level, employees are recruited through private consultant. See I saw that for top level, he does it through a private consultant. So it means I got the source of external. I quickly marked here external. These professionals can entice the needed top executives from other companies by making the right offers.
Employees appointed at the entry. Now see I got one thing in this too. I marked it. It will be very easy for you by breaking it down like this. Now let’s move forward. Employees appointed at the entry level are recruited through walk-in. Walk-in means direct recruitment. So direct recruitment means again talking about external sources. Sir is also talking about external sources.
For that a notice is placed on the notice board. Notice board means the same. He is talking about direct recruitment. Specifying the details. New range also encourage present employees or their friends. See kids present employees and their friends and relatives to refer candidates. It means recommendation of present employees. I got this from here. So see I got one from this.
I got two from this. Direct recruitment, recommendation of present employees. To hire some of the most talented and promising students. New range shift workforce. Now see from surplus department to shortage of staff. From surplus to shortage. This means this is being transferred. This is an example of internal. Right?.
So see as soon as we break in 4×4. So how easy it is for us to find kids. Done? Now I know here that there is nothing in this. When I go to write the answer, I will not even read this. I will read this. I will get 1 point from this. I will get 2 points from this. I will get 1 point from this.
Question of number 4. 4 pointers are written. You will get the whole 4 numbers. Done? Case study is very easy for you. This is the way. This is the science of solving children’s case studies. It has been 10 years since I have been teaching for many years. 11th year is going on.
I taught the first batch in 2014. You will give the paper in 2025. Now you think. I have been teaching art of children’s case studies for so many years. That’s why our children bring 100 out of 100. Every year thousands of children, lakhs of children are bringing 100 out of 100 in business studies. How are you bringing? This is the way, children.
Learn this. Practice it. Right? Look. I have written everything for you. My job is to make things easy for you. Look. Breakdown done in 4×4. Breakdown done in 4×4.
Now keep doing markdown and find keywords. Where should you have read the keywords? In NCRT. You should have read NCRT or your reference book. Some children use different authors’ books. In some schools, different authors’ books are used. So, first of all, you have to prepare better than NCRT or reference book. Plus, now when half year has passed, when pre-boards have passed. So, you will buy some sample or question bank.
You will buy something or the other. Now if you will ask me, you have to buy. Right? So, you will buy some question bank. I had told you in my previous videos. I always trust on a best publisher. Who has been doing great work for many years. In every book. In every book.
And I have been solving that for children for years. What is that we have, children? The most likely question bank. It is best, children. It is best question bank. Most likely question bank. Gurukul by Oswal. Oswal Gurukul’s question bank is best, children. There are so many questions.
There are so many questions. It is not possible that anything comes out of it in your boards. Do 100% practice from that. In every chapter, 250 questions have been given. MCQ, case base, reason assertion. I have kept so many questions here. I will show you. So see, most likely question bank. Chapter wise, category wise, competency based.
Case based. Previous year. Assertion reason. MCQ. How many chapters are there in your business studies? There are 12 chapters. You have made such a great book. You have filled all kinds of questions. So, brother.
It is best. You have to buy the sample paper. I will give links in the description. Buy from there. Or go to the market and buy. It is your wish, brother. This thing will be helpful to you. So you can go and buy. This kind of economics is also available.
This kind of accounts are also available. So you will have to practice. That’s when the numbers are going to come. Just keep in mind. Most likely. And. Gurukul by Aushwal. There are many available in the market. There are many duplicates as well.
So buy the original only. Okay. So we will keep in mind. Along with the NCRT reference book. We will start preparing from this. After that. 6th important point. What is the 6th important point? Write down as per the demand.
And marks of the question. You should also know how to write. Sir, I did everything. I did not know how to write. Sir, I read from NCRT. Read from the reference book. I don’t have a reference. I only have NCRT. So put this.
Enough is. There are many questions. Enough is. You will not get anything outside this. In your paper. Everything will come from here. Okay. So what did you do? Read NCRT.
You put the reference. Along with that. Put the most likely question bank. Now you have to write. Sir, how should the answer be written? You should know how to write. You have to practice. You should have some or the other test series. You should have some or the other such thing.
With which you will be able to check yourself. Whether we are doing it right or not. So first write according to the marks. The question is of number 4. Write in 4 points. The question is of number 6. Write in 6 points. You have to write in points only. Okay.
Now it is of number 4. So 4 points. It is of number 6. So 6 points. Sir, can I check myself? Where am I standing? You can definitely do it. Oswal has a very good platform. Oswal.io Go to Oswal.io. Go and log in yourself.
Like you make your Facebook ID. And give as many tests as you want. Unlimited number of questions. Unlimited number of tests. Available there. Go and log in. You don’t have to buy a test series. You don’t have to buy anything. Go directly to Oswal.io. Make your ID or whatever.
Log in normally. And after logging in. Attempt as many number of tests as you want. Attempt questions. Practice. Children, practice is the key. The more you practice. Case studies will be very easy for you. Now I have told you all the steps.
See. How is case study solved? Now you have to put these 6 steps in your routine. Sir, what are the 6 steps to put? First of all. You will read the question well. Second. You will relate it. What is the concept?.
Third. Relate it to the chapter. Fourth. 4×4. This is the most important. This is the most Saudan India point. This is the point of Saudan India. 4×4. Break down in the line.
Wherever you have to break down. Your work will be done. Keywords. Mark it well. Now sir, you will get keywords. When you have practiced well. For practice. It is important to read NCERT first. If there is a reference book.
It is important to read from there. Along with that. Any sample paper. Before your preboard. Before your boards. Apply it. I have told you the best. You will be easily available. Go to the market and buy it.
Buy from the market. Buy from the link. Buy from the link. I will put it in the description. Along with that. As per the demand and marks of the question. Write. See. How do you get 100 out of 100 in business studies?.
100% 100 out of 100 will come. Just get ready. You have to break it. In a good way. Right. You will also have a video of business studies. Tomorrow we will finish consumer protection. We. Issue of shares are running in accounts.
Read it in a great way. And complete it. Kids. Case study problem is over. You have to practice like this. You have to get used to it like this. Until you get used to it. It will not be fun. So keep practicing.
Keep getting used to it. And as many number of questions as you can. Apply. Apply chapter wise. All number of questions. It will be great. You will not have any problem. Okay. Is there any other problem coming?.
Related to anything else. Like case study related. You told me. 3 months strategy. You said. I made that. Case study related. You said. I made that.
In some more economics accounts. You are having a problem. Just let me know. On a weekly basis. I will bring your problem. Related solution. This is my promise. Every week. One related to your problem.
I will definitely make a video. So that along with studying. We can also deal with this thing. All right. Thank you so much everyone. For joining in. I am gonna see you all super soon. Till then see ya. Take care.
Bye. Bye. Keep growing. Keep glowing. And keep smiling.