A permission request letter to principal for late payment of fees is a letter written to a school’s principal requesting permission to pay fees late. Many families have difficulties paying school fees. The appropriate way to handle this situation is to contact the school’s principal with a letter requesting permission to pay fees late. Although you may want to put off writing to the school, most schools are more responsive to action taken sooner rather than later. Contact the school as soon as you know you will have a problem paying the fees on time.

This article will discuss the types of situations in which you may want to write this letter to the school’s principal. You will learn what kinds of information you need to put in your letter and the documentation you should attach. We provide a format you can use to write your letter and a sample letter to inspire you.

Financial Reasons a School May Accept for Late Payment

Some financial situations are considered significant enough for a school to consider accepting late payment, even when their policy states they do not. Here are a few of the reasons:

  • Recent absence or loss of a parent
  • Significantly reduced income
  • Emergency repairs to home or auto
  • Serious illness in the family causing financial disruption

The school probably considers each case individually. There are many reasons you may need to contact your school about late payment of fees, and the above are only a sampling.

The critical point about the late payment of fees is that your situation should be temporary, and you are sure you will be able to pay late. If your financial situation is long-term, you will need to discuss financial aid options with the principal instead of late payment options.

What to Include in Your Letter

The school will need to understand your financial emergency clearly. Here is what you should include in your letter:

  • The student’s name and grade
  • Your name and relationship to the student
  • The nature of the financial emergency
  • When you will be able to pay the fees
  • A polite request for late payment acceptance
  • A reference to the enclosed verification documents
  • Your contact information
  • A statement of appreciation

Documentation to Include with Your Letter

  • Proof of recent absence or loss of a parent, such as a separation agreement or death certificate
  • Proof of income loss, such as a layoff notice
  • Proof of emergency expense, such as an invoice or receipt
  • Proof of medical costs, such as an invoice or receipt
  • Any other verification you possess that prove your emergency expense

Request Letter to Principal for Late Payment of Fees (Format)

{your name}

{your address}


{principal’s name}

{school name}

{school address}

Dear {principal’s name},

I am writing to formally request the acceptance of late fee payment for {student’s name}. {(He) or (She)} is in {grade level}. I am unable to pay the fees by the deadline, but I will be able to pay them on {date}. I respectfully request you allow late payment without requiring an additional late payment fee.

{Describe your financial emergency here.} I have enclosed proof of the unexpected financial burden my family is experiencing.

I am {(His) or (Her)} {your relationship to student}. If you have any questions, please contact me at {your contact information}. If you need further information, I am happy to speak with you.

Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.


{your signature}

{your name}


Sample Application for Late Fee Submission Due to Financial Problems

Ellory Mason

2062 South Madison

Jackson, OH 89776

January 2, 2030

Elizabeth Hardy

Elysium High

3098 West Elm

Jackson, OH 89775

Dear Miss Hardy,

I am writing to formally request the acceptance of late fee payment for Mallory Mason. She is in 8th grade. I am unable to pay the fees by the deadline, but I will be able to pay them on February 2, 2030. I respectfully request you allow late payment without requiring an additional late payment fee.

I was recently laid off and my income is significantly reduced. I have enclosed proof of the unexpected financial burden my family is experiencing.

I am her father. If you have any questions, please contact me at (266) 359-6024. If you need further information, I am happy to speak with you.

Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.


Ellory Mason


Request Letter for Late Payment of Fees (Word Template)

  • Write to the principal as soon as you know there is a problem paying fees on time.
  • Be sure your financial issue is temporary
  • State your case clearly
  • Enclose verification documents
  • Ask politely and thank the principal

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