A coordinated effort on the part of people to plant more trees could replace the trees that are being removed from the earth at an alarming rate. In addition to contributing to clean air and temperature regulation, trees also enhance community beauty. 

In some cities, trees that were planted more than 100 years ago need to be replaced since they have completed their life cycle. A few are also lost due to storm or drought damage.

There may be a few things that a Boy Scout troop, religious organization, senior class, or other group of people need to think about before planting trees.

choosing a location for the planting 

After choosing a location for the planting, the team should locate the property’s owner and request their consent before planting any trees. The necessity for interaction with many property owners is possible.

There can be pre requisites, including the quantity of trees being planted. Based on the environment, some people might want a particular quantity and variety of trees, such as 10 trees in a park, 50 fruit trees in a vacant lot, or 100 conifers in a forest. 

ensure the survival of the seedlings

To ensure the survival of the seedlings, those who plant the trees might also need to commit to a maintenance schedule for one to three years following planting.

The scope and nature of the planned project should be described in the opening paragraph of a letter proposing tree planting. It might also include the project’s location, such as planting trees in a street’s vacant median or on the swath of ground between the sidewalk and the street. 

When the group provides the labor, some cities will provide the trees. It is advised that the proposal give some background information, including local history, on the area being planted. The group should also discuss why they believe the initiative is important.

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