If you are hearing it for the first time, you may perhaps be wondering what a baby registry means. Well,

A baby registry can be defined as a list of essentials that an expecting parent would want to receive as gifts as they wait for their little one.

Usually, babies require a lot. Therefore, a baby’s registry will come in handy to alert your eager friends and families of the type of gifts you expect. The registry often contains a variety of essentials ranging from small ticket items such as diapers, wipes to bigger items such as strollers or cribs. Also, depending on your choice, you can either decide to create several stores in your registry or simply pull all items from different stories into one master list.

How a Baby Registry Works


Many parents sometimes shy off from creating a baby registry due to failure to understand their operations. Nonetheless, it is always an easy and fascinating venture. But first, you should know that it is possible to create a registry using either online or offline retailers or both. Once you have settled on the retailer to use, you will register the type of items you will want to receive from friends. After that, friends will come to buy the items from the retailer and have them kept for you. Usually, these retailers offer various incentives such as free welcome boxes, price matching, and other discounts. Also, you can decide to choose universal registries. With the universal registry, the retailers are often flexible hence allows items from other retailers to stream in.

The perfect time to register

Generally, there is no definite time for registering your baby. In fact, if you can do it earlier, the better. Usually, some mothers register their babies immediately after they realize the gender of their babies. Others wait till 12 weeks, while others two weeks to a baby shower. The choice purely depends on the mother and her preparedness. However, to avoid stress and inconveniences, do not be too late. Remember you want to give your gift-givers enough time to search for their perfect gift.

However, if the baby comes too early before you complete the registry, it should not be the cause for your worries. Your partner can still add the remaining items to the registry.

Things to Put on a Baby Registry


As mentioned above, babies require a lot. A registry, therefore, will help you get some of the essentials to lighten the burden. But, what exactly should you include in the baby’s registry? Well, if this question has been lingering in your mind, here is the best response to you:

Bathing items

Your baby will certainly need a bath. While it can bring tons of fun, you will need to equip yourself with the right bathing gear. That is said, here are some must-haves for your baby’s bath:

Items Quantity
Baby tub 1
Soft hooded towels 2-3
Washcloths More than 3
Baby safe body wash 1
Shampoo 1
Baby body lotion 1
Bath toys 4-5
Faucet cover 1


As an expectant parent, you need to ensure that you have a proper warm, snuggly, and comfortable place for your baby to snooze. With that in mind, here are some items to include in the checklist:

Items Quantity
Crib mattress 1
Waterproof mattress protector 1
Fitted sheets More than 2
Washable crib mattress pads 2-3
Fitted crib sheets 2-4
Soft and light receivable blankets 4-6
Heavier blankets for cold or chilly weather More than 1


Babies grow faster. Therefore, you need to include a variety of cloth sizes in your registry. Also, when noting down the clothing essentials, pay attention to various clothes that fit different weather patterns. Here is a list of items you may consider:

Items Quantity
Leggings 10 Pairs or more
Footed pajamas 10 Pairs or more
Long sleeve onesies A pair
Soft hat 1
Outfit to come from hospital 1
Soft soled baby shoes Maximum 2
Baby safe laundry detergent 1
Non-footed pajamas A pair
Swaddling blankets A pair
Sleep sacks 1
Burp clothes 5-6
Bibs 4-5
Light sweaters More than 3
Sun hat 1
Bathing suits 1
Snowsuits 1

Diapering essentials

Your baby registry checklist can never be complete without including diapering items. After feeding your baby, you will be ready to make changes in the diaper- that’s the rule! While there are various types of diapering items, here are some common essentials you can include:

Items Quantity
Diaper pail 1
Baby wipes 1 Pack
Diapers (disposable or cloth) 1 Pack
Diaper cream 1
Cotton balls 1 Pack

Feeding essentials

Since they grow so fast, your baby will certainly need to be fed more often. Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, you are going to need certain feeding equipment at your disposal. Here is a list of them:

Items Quantity
Breast pump 1
Extra breast pump parts 2-3
Breast milk freezer bags 2 or more
Nursing pillow 1 or more
Nursing bras 2-3
Nursing cover 1
Nipple cream 1
Baby bottle 2
Bottle nipples 4-5
Bottle brushes 1
Bottle drying rack 1
High chair 1

Health products

Your baby’s health should be your utmost concern. If they feel unwell, you will have the right essentials to make them feel better. Also, it will be your duty to groom your baby occasionally. Therefore, here are some common supplies you will need:

Items Quantity
Baby nail clipper 1
Thermometer 1
Rubbing alcohol pads 1 Pack
Saline nasal drops 1
Suction bulb among others 1

Playtime must-haves

As your baby starts interacting with the world, they will definitely grow interested. More often, they will want to play with items to keep themselves busy and to increase their cognitive development. While objects of attractive colors is a must include, here are other things you can consider adding to the baby’s registry:

Items Quantity
Swing seat 1
Activity mat 1
Soft baby book 4-5
Soft stacking blocks 1 Pack
Organic cotton stuffed animals 3-4
Teething toy Maximum 2
Carts and dollies 3-4

Furniture and gear

Other than the playing toys, your baby will also need some furniture to improve their experience with the new world. More often, they would want to imitate what adults are doing. Therefore, you can consider adding the following items to your checklist:

Items Quantity
Crib 1
Bassinet 1
Rocking chair 1
Changing table 1
Light dimmer 1
White noise machine 1
Baby monitor 1
Baskets or bins for storage 2-3

Travel essentials

When it is time to move from one place to the other, you will need a whole other set of items to facilitate the travel. Remember that your baby’s safety and comfort are paramount. Therefore, when traveling, you will need the following items:

Items Quantity
Infant car seat 1
Stroller 1
Stroller bunting 1
Diaper bag 1-2
Travel crib 1
Baby carrier 1
Portable changing pad 1-2

If you have been a mum before chances are that you still have some items you used on your first or previous baby. Usually, there are items you’ll find safe to reuse so long as they are in perfect condition. Therefore, you won’t need much items on your second baby registry. Here are some items you can reuse:

  • Cloth diapers
  • Blankets
  • Baby cloths
  • Glass bottles
  • Cribs

What Not to Buy-Save Money


Filled with eagerness and high expectations, moms can sometimes add items that would be unnecessary for their unborn child. According to expert’s opinions, the following are some items you can skip from adding into your baby’s registry:

Wipe warmers

Wipe warmer is an example of items deemed unnecessary for your baby’s registry. The reason being your baby will be cleaned with or without these items. If it is too cold and you feel your baby will get affected when wiping, you can hold the wipes with your warm hands to let them catch some temperatures.

Crib bumpers

Crib bumpers are extremely dangerous for your kid. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), these items can easily suffocate, entrap, or strangle your baby if not properly used. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not include them in your checklist.

Baby shoes

Parents are always intrigued by the cuteness of babies’ shoes, especially if they fit in their tiny feet. However, the truth is that your baby will not need the shoes in the first place. It will take some time before they learn how to walk with them. Therefore, it is wise that you refrain from adding baby shoes to the registry checklist.

Dressy clothes

More often, your baby will need clothes that can withstand diaper blowouts or frequent spit-ups. With that in mind, you will not need dressy clothes as they will not add much to your fashion. However, occasionally, you may want to attend a special event with your toddler. In that case, you can dress them in dressy outfits. Otherwise, stick to the basic cute clothing.

Dropdown cribs

For the past decade, the manufacture of dropdown cribs was halted due to safety reasons. While they are still in the market, you may not want to include them in your registry checklist due to the same safety reasons.

Tons of toys

Toys are good for babies. But your young one will require your presence to be fully happy. Therefore, do not concentrate too much on acquiring tons of toys as it would not help much.

Single-purpose gadgets

Adding single-purpose gadgets to your checklist is not preferable. Instead, you can look for those gadgets with multiple functionalities. For example, instead of buying a baby food maker, you can go for a regular blender or food processor, which can still do the job.

Here are some single-purpose things that you must avoid :

  • Do not register for the gear you don’t have room for. Well, there are some baby essentials that will require a large amount of space. It’s advisable that you avoid adding them to your list for convenience purposes.
  • Do not count on items inherited simply because the owners no longer need them. These items include car seats and cribs. Usually, the safety standards for these items can change and become faulty. That’s said, you can use your registry to request for ticket items of things that are secure for use.
  • Do not avoid registry because you are expecting your second, third, or forth baby. Since every baby comes with a new set of requirements, you will need updated and safe items that will help assist their development. Because of these supplies, you should shy off from creating a baby registry whatsoever.
  • Do not misjudge the irresistible desire your friends and relatives have towards buying the baby items. Babies are special gifts. And when they appear, people want to pamper them with various kinds of gifts.

If you are stuck on where to start with your baby’s registry, you are in the right place. We have free, readily available baby registry checklist templates that you can use. All you need to do is to download and keep going.

Baby Registry Checklist

Now that you have learned about the contents of a baby registry checklist, let’s have a quick look at some useful tips for creating a baby registry:

Start the list sooner than later-Yes, if you start preparing the list earlier, you will give plenty of room for your gift-givers to select the best gift for your baby.

Take advantage of the discount-Various retailers offer different discounts. It is therefore advisable that you identify and take advantage of the retailers that offer the best discount in the market.

Universal registry discount items are not eligible-As you continue searching for the universal registry, it is advisable that you understand all the terms and conditions. Usually, there are certain items that are not eligible under universal registry. Therefore, the registrant can always take advantage of the discount on these ineligible items.

Mark the dates on the calendar-Marking out your calendar will help you plan adequately. Also, it will make you remember important dates and preventing you from missing out on discount offers.

Babies bring joy to our world. As an expecting mother, you should always be prepared to receive your newborn at all costs. One important move you can think of is creating a baby registry checklist. This will help your friends and relatives bring their gifts according to your baby’s requirements.

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