The therapeutic relationship is often a lifeline for individuals seeking mental health support. Therefore, the sudden discontinuation of therapy can be disruptive and disorienting.

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Given this, it is essential for therapists to provide clients with adequate notice before ending their therapeutic relationship to ensure the client can transition smoothly to a new therapist or continue treatment without unnecessary disruption.

The required notice period can vary depending on various factors including professional ethics guidelines, the client’s condition, the nature of the therapeutic relationship, and the jurisdiction.

Professional Ethics and Guidelines

The code of ethics for most psychological and counseling associations emphasizes the importance of maintaining a responsible and respectful therapeutic relationship.

The American Psychological Association (APA) has specific guidelines for terminating therapy in its code of ethics. According to the APA, psychologists are required to plan appropriately for termination and to provide ample notice to clients.

The exact timeframe is not defined, but the suggestion is that sufficient time should be provided for the client to either reach a point where therapy is no longer necessary or to find alternative support.

Moreover, the British Psychological Society (BPS) also requires that therapists consider the client’s ability to cope with the termination of therapy, which might necessitate more extended notice periods for clients with more severe mental health issues.

Factors Influencing the Notice Period

Client’s condition

The condition of the client should be one of the primary considerations when determining the appropriate notice period. Some clients with severe mental health conditions, for instance, may require a longer notice period and a more gradual termination process to prevent a relapse or worsening of their condition.

Duration and nature of therapy

The duration of the therapy and the relationship between the therapist and client can also influence the notice period. In a long-term therapeutic relationship, clients may have developed a strong attachment or dependency, necessitating more time to adjust to the idea of termination.

Jurisdiction and practice settings

Different jurisdictions may have specific guidelines for therapists regarding termination of therapy. Similarly, different practice settings, like private practice, community clinics, or hospitals, may have different policies that therapists must adhere to.

Best Practices for Therapist

In general, best practice suggests that therapists should provide a notice period that allows for an orderly and therapeutic termination process. Typically, this should be several weeks to a few months, depending on the specific circumstances. 

During this period, the therapist should work with the client to establish a termination plan, including identifying new therapists if necessary and developing coping strategies for the termination process.

Therapists are also encouraged to initiate discussions about termination early in the therapeutic relationship. This means setting clear expectations about the length and nature of therapy, and discussing the possibility of termination and what it would involve. This can help prepare clients for the eventual end of therapy and can make the process less disruptive when it does occur.


The decision to terminate therapy is a significant event in the therapeutic relationship and one that should be managed with great care and sensitivity.

While the exact notice period can depend on various factors, it is crucial that therapists provide adequate notice and support to their clients during this transition. Not only is this ethically necessary, but it is also a key part of providing effective and respectful mental health care.

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