When you visit a website and see Instagram photos and videos added to it, you must have wondered how the website owner managed to bring all this visually appealing content to their website.

And naturally, your eyes have fooled you to think that this is the work of a coder, and you will have to spend a lot to perform such a minimalist thing. Well, don’t let your eyes fool you as it is much easier and less costly than you think.

With Instagram Widget, you can collect all your Instagram posts and embed them on your website. Wondering how? Let’s find out.

What Is an Instagram Widget?

Instagram widget is a tool that lets you fetch your preferred photos and videos from Instagram using hashtags, mentions, tags, etc. It then allows you to moderate the collected content to filter out the irrelevant or repeated ones.

Once you have all your crucial Instagram photos and videos in one place, you can further customize your Instagram widget to make it appear as visually appealing on your website as your Instagram photos and videos are.

Once done, you can generate an embedding code that enables you to very easily add your Instagram photos or videos anywhere on your website by simply pasting the generated code on the backend.

Tools To Add Photos & Videos From Instagram To Website

Here are some tools that can help you add photos and videos from Instagram to your website:

1.   Instagram Embedding Option

Instagram has its own embedding option that lets you generate an embed code right from the Instagram post when you open it on the browser. Simply click on the three vertical dots on the top right corner of your post, and you will find the copy the embed code option, copy the code and paste it on the backend of your website where you wish to add it on your website.

The only drawback is that you can only add one post at a time, which limits many options for you. Various other tools let you embed entire Instagram galleries on your website, and they also provide you analytics to track the performance of the embedded Instagram posts on your website.

2.   Taggbox Widget

Taggbox Widget is a powerful tool that offers a free Instagram aggregator to fetch all your preferred Instagram content using hashtags, handles, stories, IGTV videos, tags, and mentions. Moderate the collected content to filter out the unwanted posts and maintain the quality of your content. Customize your widget with the different layouts, themes, design elements, colors, and more to make your widget visually appealing.

You get easy embedding options compatible with your website building platform. The best part about the Taggbox widget is that it auto-syncs with your website, so each time you create a new post on Instagram, it automatically appears on your website. It gives something new to your website visitors to engage with each time they visit.

3.   SnapWidget

With SnapWidget, you get options to collect Instagram content with username and hashtags. It offers an easy to use and effortless method to

create beautiful Instagram widgets that you can display on your website with templates like a unified grid, responsive slideshow, or a photo map.

SnapWidget is convenient and provides updates, which automatically optimizes your Instagram widget so that you don’t have to renew your content now and then. Unlike Taggbox Widget, it does not show the content in real-time. The content takes a few minutes to appear on the website. It offers easy integration options across various website-building platforms.

Why Add Photos And Videos From Instagram To Websites?

Adding your Instagram photos and videos to your website can improve the visitor’s engagement to a great extent as you give something fun and visually appealing to explore. It creates possibilities for your brand to engage both your social and digital audience at once.

And if your website visitors like your Instagram content, they are likely to visit your Instagram account and follow it to get social updates from you and share it among their friends and followers.

Not just that, if you embed UGC Instagram photos and videos, it brings transparency to your website as UGC is authentic, builds trust, creates social proof, and much more for your brand and your website.

Let’s Call It A Wrap!

Well, it’s time to call it a wrap from our end, but it’s time to unwrap from yours. With this blog, you got to know how you can easily add Instagram photos and videos to your website with the cost-effective and user-friendly Instagram Widget.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get your hands on your favorite Instagram photos and videos and share them among your website visitors and allow them to engage with it.