One of the most common questions businesses ask is what a copy machine is. While this might seem easy, it can be quite difficult to answer. This is especially true for those who work in a small business that does not own a copy machine but needs one managed on their behalf. There are many benefits to leasing your next office copy machine, and let us describe some of the top reasons for copy machine lease below.

1. Budget

Leasing a copy machine is one of the most cost-efficient ways to have a copy machine in your office. In many cases, you can pay even less by leasing than you would buy an operating copy machine, which also increases your profit margins. This also is important because it often takes several years for a new office machine to pay for itself.

Leasing reduces the costs of ownership and maintenance for your new machine before you take over full ownership. With many different models of copying machines available, the best one for you and your business comes down to research and shopping around.

2. Flexibility

Leasing a copy machine has several advantages over purchasing a machine outright. There are many models of machines available, and you get to use the best one for your needs. The more advanced the machine is, the more expensive it tends to be.

For example, if you want a machine that prints color copies and faxes, then you will have to pay significantly more than if you just want black and white copies. You also get to use whatever model or brand of machine is best for your business.

Many people who lease their copy machines find they can lease a new model every three years or so when their company cannot afford to buy one outright.

3. Technology

Today’s copy machines are advanced, so you can print out copies of almost any type, including color, double-sided, or even as large as A3. Most companies now lease various models to suit each department’s needs, such as a high-end machine for marketing and sales departments, to simpler versions for the office manager.

For example, leasing a high-speed machine will be beneficial if your office manager is dealing with a lot of work and needs to quickly duplicate financial records or documents for the team.