They’re referenced plenty in movies and literature, but many are still ultimately unfamiliar with the services offered by private investigators. Most imagine private investigators primarily as resources for those who are searching for a missing person or seeking answers on whether their partner is cheating. While these situations do often call for the help of a PI, the range of services offered by agencies and detectives extends much further.

Private investigator on the job

One such agency is Investigation Hotline, a Toronto-based private investigation and detective agency which serves the Oakville, Mississauga and Vaughn areas. As one of the area’s most positively reviewed agencies, Investigation Hotline is well-respected among its clients for its efficacy, swiftness, and honesty. Since 1988, the agency has used top technology and cutting-edge techniques to seek and gather detailed court-worthy case reports for their clients.

If you’re currently faced with a problem and you’re wondering if a private investigator can help, the answer is likely yes. Here are just a few of the many reasons why so many Oakville, Mississauga and Vaughn residents have chosen to seek out Investigation Hotline’s help to bring clarity, answers and security back to their lives.

Child Custody Cases

Child custody cases are incredibly high-stress and high-stakes. For many parents, nothing is more important to them than their own child. For this reason, in the wake of a divorce or breakup it’s not unlikely for one (or both) parents to seek the help of a private investigator to win a custody battle.

With the assistance of an agency like Investigation Hotline, parents are often put in possession of court-worthy evidence proving the other parent unfit to raise a child. On top gathering evidence, an investigator will help organize the details in a way that effectively appeals to the judge.

In the process of gathering evidence for a child custody case, a PI will acquire background information, note any criminal behavior or drug history, document any bad or abusive tendencies witnessed, and sometimes even unearth hidden assets or other deceptions. If your ex-partner is unable to provide quality childcare or incapable of cultivating a safe environment for the child, a PI may be able to capture evidence proving it which will potentially lead to the judge ruling in your favor. In some cases, it may even help you secure child support as a single parent.

Fraudulent Insurance Claims

Insurance fraud is far more common that some might think. Although there is a strong and continuous effort to crack down on it, many still fall victim to insurance fraud each year. In fact, the crime occurs so frequently that the Insurance Bureau of Canada estimates that approximately 15% of every dollar paid in premium is used to cover deceitful claims. All up, this trickery costs Canadians more than $3 billion every year.

Often, PI agencies are brought into the arena to help both individuals and businesses navigate insurance claims in order to ensure fairness. Claims relating to personal injury, disability insurance, car accidents and health care are just a few of the most common situations which may call for the help of a trusted professional.

Employer doing background check

Background Checks

It’s hard to judge another person’s character, integrity and credibility. But if you’re faced with hiring a new employee, disputing a child custody case, entering a new romantic relationship or considering a new business partnership, it’s important to know who you’re dealing with. That’s why so many Oakville, Mississauga and Vaughn residents turn to agencies such as Investigation Hotline to help them gain clarity through background checks.

Background investigations provide clients with valuable information gathered through commercial records, educational records and criminal records. Extensive background checks can be conducted on businesses as well as individuals, which prove beneficial for those considering new investment opportunities or business partnerships.

Missing Persons Investigations

Personal investigators are perhaps most well-known for their services in helping clients track down other individuals. However, few realize the variety of situations in which agencies like Investigation Hotline are able to assist those seeking to locate a missing individual.

While PIs are able to help with finding information on kidnapped individuals and helping pinpoint the location of suspected criminals, they’re also commonly called upon for those looking to find people who are evading child support payments or avoiding rent payments—an occurrence which has become increasingly common amidst the pandemic. Agencies like Investigation Hotline may also play key roles in helping adopted children locate and contact their biological parents.

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