With so many of us working remote right now, your home is also your office. And as such, it needs to be an optimal environment conducive to maximum comfort and maximum productivity.

But unfortunately, spend every minute of every day in the same few rooms can quickly start to make them feel stale over time.

Home office setup

Thankfully, a little renovation can make your home feel brand new and help you ease the fatigue that comes with being stuck in the house. Plus, it can be an exciting new project to dig your heels into in order to while away those long locked-down hours.

For a few imaginative ways to switch-up your work space, check out these three tips and try your hand at a little home improvement

1. Keep it simple

If you don’t feel like undertaking a high-effort renovation project (and let’s face it, who does?) there are plenty of low-maintenance adjustments you can make that will keep the hassle (and the cost) to a minimum.

Something as simple as a quick spring clear can make your space feel instantly brighter and less chaotic, lifting your mood and relieving stress. Bonus points if you can shift some of the surrounding clutter.

While you’re at it, remember that accessories are your best friend, and cushions, throws and rugs can turn the cosiness factor right up to ten without compromising on the professional atmosphere. Likewise, a change to the lighting can work wonders – a fresh pair of curtains and a new lightshade will instantly brighten up a room or minimise distracting glare.

2. Mix it up

Small changes can transform a room instantly with minimal effort and something as simple as repainting your home office can make it feel brand new.

But if you don’t have the time or inclination to pore over Dulux colour charts searching for the perfect combination for your study space, you’d be surprised what a little rearrangement can do for a refreshing difference. Changing the layout of your furniture can create more space to help the room feel bigger, whilst adding in a few extra shelves gives you a prime place to show off those family photographs in the back of your next Zoom call.

Building exterior design

3. Get outside

You don’t see the outside of your home very often any more, but that’s no reason it should be left out.

Homeowners don’t always realise when their exterior could use a little TLC, and even if they do, they don’t always know where to start.

If you feel like taking on a big rejuvenation project, why not try your hand at rendering? It adds a modern touch to any home, giving it a new lease of life, and for a rendering amateur, Direct Building Products can provide advice, guidance and supplies.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something more low maintenance, a few potted plants will brighten up your exterior and breaking out the watering can will give you an excuse to slip away on those WFH breaks.

If you’re home office is feeling tired and worn, hopefully these three tips will help it feel bright, brilliant and brand new.

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