Case Study

Is Elon Musk Failing TESLA ? : Understanding Tesla’s challenges, A Business Case Study

Is Elon Musk Failing TESLA Understanding Teslas challenges A Business Case Study

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Video Introduction:
We all know Tesla as the most powerful disruptor of the automobile revolution! And in spite of the pandemic, while all other automakers were struggling to make a profit, Tesla was very elegantly profitable with a profit of 721 million dollars! And as soon as it hit profitability the stock price of the company shot up by 740% in 2020 alone! Not just that even in Q2 of 2021 Tesla reported a record profit of more than 1 billion dollars! So it looks like Tesla is on its way to becoming the undisputed king of the automobile revolution right?
Well not really, as it turns out there 3 very critical indicators that state that in 2021 Tesla is in deep trouble and how they navigate through these troubles is what will determine not just stock price but also the fate of the company in the automobile space! In this video, we break down all of them for you!

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Disclaimer : This video is only meant for educational purposes and is not meant to be taken as investment advice. Approximations have been used for certain figures to put forth a simple explanation.

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