Plagiarism is the factor that every writer avoids as it can destroy the reputation of a web page and cause de-ranking the page.

So, every writer tries to get rid of it and make the text unique for readers. They collect content from multiple sources and make it exclusive that is never published before.

But it is tough for you to write long articles without duplication. There are always chances that you may add some copied lines in the text that are the thoughts of other authors.

Writers miss this point and publish those lines without checking them on the plagiarism tool. This may cause trouble for them in the end.

So, they must check for plagiarism in the content and remove duplicated text that the plagiarism checker highlights.

Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain, and you may get penalized by search engines over this activity.

How to be mindful of duplicated content?

Many writers publish lengthy articles on their web pages without removing the copied data from there. As a result, they end up losing ratings on search engines.

The writers need to be aware of plagiarism and remove duplicated lines from the content.

Plagiarism detector can be impactful for them in this term as they check every line on the SERP and highlight the plagiarized part.

Users can later remove those lines or rephrase them to make the text unique and more engaging.

Ways to make the content unique

Here we will give some other tips to the writers that can help them be exclusive in their thoughts and make the text more charming for the audience.

·      Use paraphrasing tool

Some writers believe in writing the content manually. They think of it as the best practice for improving writing skills.

Although it is best to make the text unique by hand, sometimes you may add duplicated lines in the article that you don’t know about.

Or it is also possible that writers add irrelevant ideas in the context that is not even related to the article.

You can get help from an online paraphrasing tool containing a considerable synonym database and spin the article thoroughly to avoid such mishaps.

When the text is inserted in these online tools, they read the content profoundly and put alternative words there without changing the original meaning.

This helps to make the article unique and avoid duplication in the content. It is necessary to get help from the online sentence rephraser.

These tools generate unique text for the users in no time with great fluency.

·      Detect plagiarism using the online tool

As told earlier, some writers publish the article on the website without checking plagiarism in it. Therefore, Google uses a very advanced algorithm that detects every minor copied line in the text.

So, you can’t escape from it. Bloggers and writers must upload their content in the plagiarism detector before publishing it. This online tool detects the copied part in the content and highlight it.

Users can remove that text from the article and make it unique, improving the ratings on search engines and getting more traffic.

These tools check every line on SERP and figure out the copied parts taken from other sources.

·      Be independent with your thoughts

If you are writing the text manually, make sure to pen down unique and striking thoughts.

That doesn’t mean that you should stop getting ideas from other authors. However, you must read other writers and check their points of view.

But once you start writing, make sure that you are not using the words of other authors. Instead, use your thoughts in content that is never used before.

Be independent. Don’t hesitate to give your opinions on the content. Of course, some people may disagree with your thoughts, but it will generate new content for the readers.

·      Proofreading

It is the most crucial point that most writers miss and publish the articles without proofreading them. So, probably, you may make some mistakes in the content.

Those mistakes can be duplication or grammar. It doesn’t matter which error you are making in the content – mistakes are mistakes. So, you have to avoid them in the range.

Always read the article twice before publishing it on your website. Even a tiny mistake can create difficulty for you in the end.

Try to avoid such blunders and make the text unique and fluent that can increase the fluency of the text and make it easy to read and understand.

Final words

Before publishing the content on your website, you must make it unique for the readers and remove duplication.

The audience visits your webpage to learn something new that can be informative and solve their queries.

For it, you have to be unique with your thoughts. Present your ideas in the most effective way that can engage more readers.

Google also likes this factor and gives good rankings to such articles that have unique and informative content for the readers.

Also, check the plagiarism on online tools and remove the copied text from the content that can de-rank your page.

If you are finding it hard to write unique content by own, then paraphrasing tools can be helpful for you that generates a unique and error-free text without grammatical errors.