Business Directory

People turn to search engines so often today that Google has become a recognised verb in many languages. With the ongoing spread of smartphones and tablets, almost any question can be answered instantly. When it comes to finding businesses, the method is exactly the same. An event could trigger the need for a plumber, or a birthday for a certain person suddenly demand a product of a particular kind, and a potential customer is instantly online looking for answers, quickly. As there is so much information kept on the internet today, however, when it comes to business offerings, that pool of data needs to be honed down dramatically if both businesses and customers are to connect for the best outcome. This focusing of business providers is best carried out by expert online business directory sites.

How Do I Get Started with Online Directories?

One major difference between generic search engines and bespoke business sites is the way which data is harvested. The big search engines will scour the entire web looking for each newly registered website, then try to discern what its purpose is. Business directory sites, however, require effort from business owners to build up their databases. You could have your own website up and running, but if you don’t register it and  your business with the online directory, that site won’t know of your existence. Luckily, registering your company and website URL is very easy and only takes a few minutes. Using a dynamic online form, you’ll be taken through mandatory details such as name, physical address and other contact details, particularly your web address. Then it’s just a question of describing a business sector which best suits your organisation and a what products or services you provide.

Choosing The Right Free Online Directories

There is a huge choice of online listings directory sites, which may tempt some business owners to register with as many as possible, especially as basic registration is usually free. However, the way that search engine optimisation (SEO) works means this is a bad idea. Whereas it may seem logical to pick up a stray customer from any directory now and then, in fact this pushes your business’s website down the rankings. This is because it appears on a site which very rarely results in any follow through. It’s much better to focus on a few sites which are directly relevant to your business offering. Of course, this pits you against your direct competitors, but that is a good thing. In fact, a good way to start is to find out which directory sites those competitors use, and how exactly they advertise themselves. Once you’ve settled on a handful of directories, keep an eye on them to see which are producing the most business, and also look out for new directories coming online.

Maximise Your Directory Strategy

If you have correctly identified the best directory sites to use, the benefits of these should start producing results very quickly. Exactly how a customer has found their way to your site is recorded by Google analytics, so you’ll be able to compare which directories have sent you the most business over time. If one or two are particularly productive, it may be worth investing in premium listings with them, such as better placement, photographs etc. Those which produce little traffic might not be worth keeping up; especially if new directories become available, or your competition starts using other sites.

Let The Experts Help

As a small business owner or manager, this world of digital marketing may seem rather daunting, especially as there are only 24 hours in a day. This is why the very best business directory sites take care of the hard work for you. This means constantly monitoring the relative success of each listing in order to keep your own relevant; remember, a listing which produces little or no follow through will very quickly disappear off ranking pages. By keeping your listings relevant, the site benefits and your business benefits where it matters the most – on the bottom line.