
How To Be A Better Presenter: 10 Easy Actionable Steps | #powerpointdesigners

Presentation Geeks

6 – Practice

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.

This is true no matter what you do. Whether you’re learning something new or becoming a master of your craft, practice is the way to do it. To become a master presenter, you must practice, practice and practice. Studies show that by practicing your presentation at least 10 times before you present, you’ll set yourself apart from the rest, it will boost your confidence and it will improve your body language.

One good way to practice is to record yourself. By taking a video recording of yourself, you’ll be able to playback the video so you can see your use of body language and hear the cadence, pitch and tone of your voice. You’ll want to listen carefully for any filler words you may find yourself using and eliminate them.


7 – Use Body Language

Don’t forget that your body is a communication tool you need to take full advantage of. Using body language will help you be more engaging with your audience.

You can use body language to help get a message across, point out certain details of a story and emphasize key facts.

Be careful though. Using too much body language will start to become a distraction and will make your presentation worse.

8 – Move Around

Being a talking statue is one way to lose the attention of your audience. Take command of the room and walk around.

Moving around allows you to engage with the audience. Depending on the venue, you may be able to walk through the aisles and get closer to audience members creating a one-on-one connection with them.

Moving around also helps keep your audience focused. If you’re standing in one place, the audience only has to use their ears. If you’re moving around, the audience will need to follow you with their eyes, neck, and even their entire body positioning depending on how much you move. As with body language, move with moderation to avoid being a distraction.

9 – Don’t Rush

When people get nervous, they tend to rush.

They want to finish the presentation so they can get off stage and deflect the attention that’s on them. Rushing will only harm your presentation skills, especially if you’re presenting complicated information.

Don’t be afraid to take a break while presenting.


Take a sip of water.

By having these small breaks, you’re not only keeping a steady pace, you’re actually benefiting yourself and the audience.

For you, the benefits are you can relax and maintain your focus. You also exemplify that you’re in control of the situation and the presentation.

The benefits for your audience is it allows them to process information. If you just told a very important fact, quote, statistic or piece of data, pausing will allow the information to sink in before you go on to your next thought. This will make your presentation more memorable.

10 – Arrive Early

This last tip is by far the most important tip most presentations and most people fail at. This separates a majority of speakers from being good vs. great.

Arrive early.

You may be wondering how does arriving early make you a better presenter? Arriving early will allow you to get familiar with the venue, see if you need to change things and decide how you can implement all the above tips wherever you’re presenting.

When arriving early, consider relaxation techniques to get comfortable. Once you’re settled in, practice your presentation one or two times as you would if it were live. Use all the presentation tools you plan to use like a computer, videos, slides, walking around the stage, etc. This will help you detect any issues.

Doing a dress rehearsal with all the technology you’ll use can save your entire presentation.

Even small hiccups during your live presentation can ruin the trust your audience has in you, even if the issue isn’t your fault. Be sure to check the sound, pre-load any videos in case you can’t connect to the internet later on and make sure the projector or screen works.


So, Here Are Our Tips On How To Be A Better Presenter. What’s Next?

Of course, the only way to become a better presenter is to do more public speaking. Apply the skills you have learned in front of audiences, in videos, in person and on webinars. Oh, and if you need some awesome slides to engage the room from a visual standpoint, Presentation Geeks is here to help. We’ve designed thousands of outstanding presentations for companies of all sizes.,

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