Worldwide, Back pain has always been a dilemma for mankind. It’s the most common reason for causing temporary disability, missing work and making one to restrict one`s mobility. It may range from a simple muscle ache to shooting stabbing pain to upper back, lower back or even radiating to legs.

Before moving deep into the topic, Let’s give some intro to some terminologies used in this article;

–       Biohacking.

–       PEMF Therapy.

Generally, Bio hacking means a “biological experimentation” or “Do-it-yourself-Biology” done to improve or furnish one`s healthy line.


How is PEMF defined?

It is defined as: “Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy is a series of electromagnetic impulses that are directed towards the tissues/cells where it induces an electrical signal to stimulate repair at cellular level.”

How does it really work?

Any life-form that came into existence on planet Earth is immediately exposed to the Earth’s Magnetic field. That’s why all the cells, tissues and organs in the body have myriad functions that rely on tiny electrical charges for their critical functions, for instance the heart is an organ that works by electrical currents.

Similarly nerves work by the flow of tiny charge called an action potential that eventually causes muscle contraction. Whenever you injure yourself there are a number of things that happen like inflammation which involves assembly of various factors that involve blood clotting and tissue repair. The cells migrate to the area, monocytes clear debris. This process requires movement of tiny little charges for these things to occur.

Any external electromagnetic field when passed through the body, it can influence these healing processes. A technology that has been around for some years is called Pulsed EMF or Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy for healthy line.

Is it dangerous?

These are non-ionizing radiations and their therapeutic frequencies are like various frequencies we encounter in everyday life.

There is a lot of research that is being done to show efficacy and effectiveness of using a PEMF on a variety of health conditions

PEMF is recommended to which kind of patients?

It is recommended for patients like:

–       Chronic inflamed Joints/Tissues.

–       Chronic fatigue Syndrome.

–       Impaired wound healing (Soft tissues).

–       Peripheral neuropathies.

–       Back pain.

–       Myalgia and Arthralgia.


If you are looking for ways to improve your health line, you are really annoyed by the pain and discomfort caused by back pain. Just experience PEMF therapy that will promote healthy line in a way that:

–       It will recharge cells/tissues and hamper back pain.

–       It’s been used in the past for healing up fractures but now it is found that it also works for pain as it increases blood circulation and speeds up the healing cycle.

–       It is a very good adjunctive therapy.

–       Patients with spinal stenosis, chronic back pain and chronic arthritis where epidurals and the shots aren’t really quite good enough this physical therapy will do wonders.

How does it work for back pain as a reliever?

The mechanism behind relieving back pain is described in a way that this therapy targets at sending impulses into the body .These energy waves will work with the body’s own magnetic field to improve healing, repair and cellular metabolism. PEMF increases electromagnetic charges in cells so they functionally exchange ions between each other to hamper and decrease inflammation and ultimately pain.

For how long the therapy continues?

For better results, generally PEMF THERAPY continues for medium to long periods.

As a concluding note, it is beneficial in furnishing functions like:

–       Injury healing rate.

–       Immune responses.

–       Promote circulation.

–       Organ and bone repair as well as healing.