Creating A Research Presentation


Creating a research presentation isn’t like creating a winning RFP presentation.

Unlike RFP presentations or client pitch presentations, a research presentation is less about subjective content and more objective content.

What do we mean by this?

Consider a sales pitch or a presentation aimed to sell you something. Basic presentation psychology suggests the presenter and the content target what human’s desire most. Depending on where they are in life, this can be easily deconstructed into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

These are all subjective feelings a presenter is trying to illicit from you.

On the other hand, a research presentation targets objective content. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re feeling, the presentation type is meant to be used to communicate the importance of your research, clearly state findings and prompt people in the world of academia to ask questions, provide feedback and to seek further information.

Let’s take a further look into how we can structure a research presentation properly along with the technical aspects that will be prominent throughout the entire presentation.

Technical Aspects

Technical aspects are items or the fundamentals you’ll be keeping consistent throughout the entire presentation. This includes style, coloring, tone of voice, font size, etc.

For the overall slide layout, you want to make sure your slides aren’t too text heavy. Funny enough, your research will probably be a couple hundred pages long but now you’re tasked with condensing everything to a few sentences.

You’ll want to avoid using full paragraphs on your slides. Instead, input 2 – 3 sentences per slides and use these as talking points. During your presentation, you should be facilitating most of the discussion through orally speaking. If the audience was tasked to read, they would be better off reading the actual research paper you produced.

If you find yourself using too many sentences, try incorporating visuals such as graphs or images you can speak to as well. These are all elements on how you can make a more engaging PowerPoint presentation through the use of visuals aids.

Title Slide

Each presentation, no matter the field of study, will have a title slide.

The title of the presentation will be the same title you used for your paper submission.

If given the option, people will decide whether or not they’re interested and will attend your presentation based on the title. As great as it would be to have a full audience, don’t be deceiving. Remember, this isn’t a sales presentation.

You must include your name and all colleagues, your mentor or advisor’s name, the department, class, location, name of the educational institution and the date the presentation is given. Avoid inputting any contact details.

All this information should be contained to one slide only.


The introduction acts as a preface to your presentation where you’ll give context as to why your research is prevalent and interesting. Explain the broader impact your research has.

Consider this as the hook.


This section of the presentation allows you to speak to the research which has already been conducted prior to yours and what inspired you to do further research. Be sure to include why your research is different from the research which has already been conducted.

Here, you may want to list the resources and authors you’ve been inspired by, specifically the work if they are a scholar with a broad background in research.

Don’t mix this up with references. This portion is more informal and is not a proper MLA, APA or Chicago style reference section. You may also opt to include an image of the book cover if there is a specific piece of literature you’ve read that you believe is worth mentioning.

Thesis / Question

Next, you’ll want to include a standalone slide which houses the research question.

Nothing else should be featured on this slide. This slide is only for the research question and a moment to allow the audience to absorb, digest and understand what the research is aiming to answer.

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