A business’s brand is its identity, and the importance of building your brand cannot be understated. Testimonials can be a significant part of building your brand if you know how to use them.

Testimonials are sayings of customers endorsing your business. Customer testimonials and reviews are gold as far as building your brand is concerned. A great majority of customers say they will read testimonials and reviews before interacting with a brand.

Leads trust your customers’ opinions more than they do your marketing content, no matter how good it is. The following is a simple guide to using testimonials to build your brand: 

Choose The Right Types of Testimonials

Customer testimonials come in different forms and are crucial for choosing the right ones for your site or online presence. The first and most effective type of testimonials is video testimonials.

Conversion rates for video testimonials are incredibly high, and you should have at least one video testimonial on your site. Therefore, you should learn how to record video testimonials or have someone else do it for you. Video testimonials are more personal and engaging, so ensure you take full advantage of them. 

Written testimonials are another form that is usually quite effective. They are the most prevalent testimonials, as customers can quickly write and leave them on your site or store. You can use them on social media or brochures, depending on what works best for your business.

Finally, you have audio testimonials, which allow customers to tell their stories in their own words. Audio testimonials may be challenging to collect and use, but they are easy for users to consume as they can listen to them anywhere and whenever. ‘

Ask The Right People For Testimonials

It is daunting to decide who are the right customers to ask for testimonials. Existing customers are the best source of feedback, but you cannot ask them all for testimonials.

It would be best to shoot for satisfied customers who leave a positive review on your site after making a purchase. If they leave a positive review, they are more likely to accept an invitation for a video, written, or audio testimonial than a customer who did not leave a review.

You should also evaluate customer data using site analytics to determine their level of engagement, and if it is high, they are a good candidate for testimonials. 

When To Ask Customers For Testimonials

Like with many other things in life, timing is vital when asking customers for testimonials. You need to know when to ask for testimonials and the best time is when customer satisfaction is at its highest.

You should hence consider your customer journey and determine when your customers feel most satisfied. It could be when they have completed a sale, when they make a repeat purchase, or when they refer a friend to your website or store.

If you find the right time, you significantly increase your chances of a customer agreeing to provide a testimonial that you can use to build your brand. 

How To Ask For Testimonials

Asking customers for testimonials is a delicate art, and many business owners do not know how to do it. First, you should set the tone by being clear and firm but polite and friendly.

Your timing should also be on point. Try to make it as easy as possible for customers to leave feedback on your site, which makes it easier to decide who to ask for a testimonial.

Responding to customer reviews also increases your chances of success when asking for a testimonial. If you know how to close the deal when asking for testimonials, you can create fantastic testimonials which will grow your brand. 

Using testimonials as a brand builder takes time and expertise. The above guide shows you which types of testimonials to use, choosing the right people, and when and how to ask for testimonials. If you get these four things right, you will have glowing testimonials that greatly promote your brand.