Let’s assume you’re looking to purchase and download an e-book. If it costs you $15 and is secured by DRM, it prevents any buyer from sharing the contents. And given the robust controls that DRM has on protected documents, the publisher or author can revoke the file so that it cannot be read anymore. Hence, when it comes to your organization, are your valuable data such as classified information and top-secret documents protected nearly as well?

Unfortunately, common and popular data security solutions other than DRM, such as password protection, simple watermarks, certificates etc., can open your valuable data to exposure, theft and misuse. That’s because there are simple and easy ways to bypass and circumvent these standard security solutions. For instance, even if you apply password protection to a document, once it reaches your recipient, you do not have any power over what the user will do with the document. For example, the user may intentionally or deliberately share the password with another individual (or simply remove it), rendering your confidential data open to misuse.

What you can do with PDF DRM 

With digital rights management, you can ensure that sensitive information and highly classified PDF files are only shared with your customers or clients. In addition, PDF DRM can block protected files from being sent to your competitors and give you the benefit of revoking the file or setting expiry dates in the event you come out with an updated document and need to replace the currently distributed version.

Or perhaps, if you’re looking to share specifications with several suppliers within your supply chain during a proposal or tender process, you could choose to stop every other vendor but the supplier who has won the contract from opening your classified information file after having finalized the agreement. Furthermore, PDF DRM also ensures that your vendors or suppliers are not working on outdated documents. You can revoke the old document or PDF file to expire whenever you have an update to provide them.

When it comes to protecting customer data that falls under classified information, you need to abide by compliance as well as security. In that regard, PDF DRM gives you in-depth tracking features that allow you to see how many people may have viewed the latest version of your classified information or access to a top secret document that you had to share with a small team of individuals.

PDF DRM is the only solution that proactively safeguards your valuable information from theft and misuse as a mature and proven document security technology.

Why PDF DRM matters for your classified information and top-secret data

In many cases, it is crucial to share and collaborate on sensitive documents containing classified information. But the process of external document sharing presents immense security issues. When you have confidential details that needs to be controlled without impacting business, you need to use the correct document security technology that eliminates the risk and gives you complete control over your data regardless of where it resides. Even if your top-secret documents and classified information lie inside or outside your organization, it is safe with PDF DRM.

How DRM is essential to secure your confidential information

Your classified data could be the vital life-giving force of your company. Hence, it is always at risk, whether in motion, storage, or rest. PDF DRM secures your confidential information by giving you the ability to distribute these documents when needed only to authorized users with information tracking potentialities and controls on what a user can do with the document.

Classified data and documents that are secured with advanced PDF DRM technology are assuredly safe, controlled and administered even in off-line conditions. Its effortless security controls and robust infrastructure allows you to safely send and transmit these files from one place to another whenever needed. In addition, with additional controls such as document expiry dates and comprehensive monitoring and tracking ability, PDF DRM can help you know at all times what is happening to your classified data and top-secret files wherever they lie.

With the help of PDF DRM technology, you can set cast iron security and absolute control over your documents and render a seamless document sharing experience that is easy and uncomplicated to adopt by your users.


Given the end-to-end solution provided with PDF DRM, you can identify, categorize, secure, analyze and track your classified information and top-secret documents within your organization. The best way to improve your company’s overall security posture and protect against data breaches is to avoid allowing your sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands. And the only way you can do so is to implement PDF DRM and empower your data to become your biggest security asset.