How would you describe diamonds other than expensive, luxurious, and unaffordable?

Lab grown diamonds

Diamonds, as we all know, take a very long time to form – approximately 3.3 billion years. So it’s only natural for a small piece of diamond to cost a fortune. But did you expect our advanced technology to allow scientists to create diamonds in such a short period? This is what Rare Carat can bring to you.

Rare Carat ( is a New York-based company that brings you these beautiful diamonds for a fraction of the cost. We create lab-grown diamonds, sold loosely or set gorgeously on uniquely crafted engagement rings. We have over a million diamonds in our portfolio of trusted sellers from all over the world. Don’t confuse a lab diamond with a fake. Here at Rare Carat, we sell Lab diamonds created with the best technology to bring only the best diamonds for the most reasonable prices.

How are Lab-Grown Diamonds “Grown” (Created)?

The HPHT technique, representing high pressure and temperature, seems to be the initial way to create lab diamonds because it replicates the organic growing conditions deep inside the earth. Experts have refined this operation over the period, and by the early 1950s, it generated higher HPHT ruby diamonds.

The HPHT operation is used to augment the hue of lab cultivated diamonds to render them colorless, fuchsia, green, turquoise, or yellow, concerning increasing diamonds. To create an HPHT gem, scientists begin with just a tiny diamond grain, highly processed graphite carbon, and a launching pad composed of metallic materials and powders. Earth mineable diamonds are decided to make of this. The grain is then placed in the middle of the HPHT chamber and subjected to intense heat and pressure, simulating how diamonds grow beneath the earth by the earth.

The gemstone seed is subjected to high temperatures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and pressures of 1.5 million PSI (pounds per square inch). As the carbon dissolves, its atomic structure changes, forming a gem from around the seed. The diamond is again formed after it has cooled.

Examining diamond

Why are Lab Diamonds Important?

You may ask, what are lab-grown diamonds’ values aside from being a copy? The price of lab-grown diamonds is significantly lower than that of natural diamonds mined from the earth’s crust. This is even though lab-grown diamonds imitate natural diamonds in every way. The natural explanation for this is that producing natural diamonds requires more time and involves more of a biological process than producing lab-grown diamonds.

The following presents a more rational justification for why companies continue to produce lab-grown diamonds even though the industry as a whole is challenging to turn a profit.

1. To be more sustainable

The extraction of diamonds from the soil can cause significant harm. The extraction of natural diamonds requires enormous quantities of fossil energy, but developing synthetic diamonds presents neither of these challenges. It is a much more environmentally friendly decision to convert to producing diamonds rather than mining them since the desire for diamonds is expected to continue to climb.

In contrast, the quantity of mined diamonds is expected to decrease shortly. The ever-widening chasm between the market and the availability of this beautiful gem can be closed using industrial diamonds.

2. It has better quality and purity

Diamonds developed in laboratories are of a higher quality than those mined from the earth. This is because, in contrast to mined diamonds, laboratory-grown gems do not contain any embedded dirt or other impurities. Since they are manufactured under controlled circumstances, they have fewer flaws and exhibit fewer signs of weakness in their crystalline structure. This is because they are more durable.

3. For a more extensive scope of customers and affordability

There is a significant price difference between naturally colored gems and lab-grown colored stones, although lab-grown colored gems are accessible. And what’s even unique is that compared to naturally occurring colored stones, these are much more brilliant and flawless: The hue of lab-grown colored gemstones is consistent, and the gems themselves are pure.

4. Perfect for vegan

What are lab-grown diamonds? In contrast to traditionally mined diamonds, mined diamonds are entirely free of animal products. Since lab-grown diamonds are less damaging to the environment and cost less than diamonds, they represent a fantastic opportunity for all parties concerned, including the purchaser, the producer, the source, and the planet.

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