If you’re into esports gaming, then you know that it’s an incredibly competitive, fast-paced world. This is great news for those looking to find a new hobby or to make a few extra dollars by playing the right games, but it can also lead to problems. A lot of gamers struggle with configuring their video games in order to be as competitive as possible.

Here we will give you tips and tricks for improving your settings and mastering the pro config for your style of game play. It will show you how different changes can lead to better performance through all the many aspects of gameplay.

Setting up your controls

The first step in getting the best settings for your configuration is setting up your controls. A lot goes into this step, including selecting which keys you want to assign to which functions and making sure that they are all set to the proper sensitivity settings. The best rule of thumb is to take some time and try out a few different configurations on your own.

Try playing around with keys and see what feels right with your play style. Once you have a few options, try playing with all of them while recording footage of yourself playing. Then go back over the footage and see which one is giving you the best results, whether that be by speed or accuracy.

If you are unfamiliar with the game you’re playing, take some time to fully learn some of the basics so that you can get a baseline for how good your configuration is. Once you know what settings will give you the best results, save them and continue on.

Setting your sensitivity

Next, it’s time to mess with your sensitivity settings. These are probably the most important aspect of configuration so make sure not to overlook them! Your mouse sensitivity will determine how fast or slow your character can move in the game based on how much effort or force is applied to controlling their movement.

One bad habit that many gamers have is lowering their mouse sensitivity beyond reason in order to gain an advantage over their opponent. While this may work in some games, the skill required is lower and it hurts you in the long run. This isn’t to say that you should keep your sensitivity high at all times either.

You need to find a happy medium between going too fast and not being able to aim properly. One of the best ways to test your sensitivity while playing a match is to pay attention to how much effort each movement takes mentally as well as physically. If you are having trouble with just moving around, then chances are you’ve lowered your sensitivity too low.