Arc flash training is an important part of workplace safety, as arc flash incidents can cause serious injury or death to those in the vicinity. Arc flash is a phenomenon that occurs when a high-voltage electrical current passes through air and produces an arc between two conductors, releasing a large amount of energy that is capable of causing significant damage to people and equipment. It is essential for professionals who work with high-voltage electrical systems to understand the risks posed by arc flash and to receive the appropriate training to ensure their safety and the safety of their colleagues.

The Facility Results industry-leading training will provide the highest level of knowledge in the most cost-effective platform. Their ISHN Readers’ Choice Award-Winning NFPA 70E Arc Flash training (Electrical Safety) for Qualified Workers can be done in 2-hours and meets the requirements for OSHA & NFPA 70E.

What is Arc Flash Training?

Arc flash training is a form of safety training that is designed to help personnel understand the risks associated with arc flash incidents and to provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to protect themselves and their colleagues. Arc flash training typically consists of classroom-style instruction, which may include lectures, video demonstrations, and hands-on training. The goal of arc flash training is to educate personnel on the risks associated with arc flash, as well as to provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and mitigate arc flash hazards.

History of Arc Flash Training

Arc flash training has been around for many years, but it has only become more widely available in recent years. The increased awareness of arc flash hazards has led to the development of more comprehensive arc flash training programs, as well as to the development of specialized arc flash training courses. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed standards for arc flash training that are widely used by employers and safety professionals.

The Dangers of Arc Flash

Arc flash incidents can be extremely dangerous and can cause serious injury or death to those in the vicinity. Arc flash incidents can also cause significant damage to equipment and property. This is why it is essential for personnel who work with high-voltage electrical systems to receive the appropriate training to understand and mitigate the risks associated with arc flash.

Types of Arc Flash Training

Arc flash training typically consists of classroom-style instruction, however, there are also online programs available for those who wish to learn more about arc flash. Depending on the specific requirements of the employer, arc flash training may also include hands-on training, such as live demonstrations or simulations. In addition, many employers also require personnel to complete an arc flash assessment in order to ensure they have the appropriate level of knowledge and understanding.

Assessing Arc Flash Risk

In order to ensure personnel are adequately prepared to deal with arc flash incidents, it is important for employers to assess the risks associated with their particular job sites and to provide appropriate training. This assessment should include identifying potential arc flash hazards, assessing the risk of each hazard, and developing appropriate safety measures to mitigate the risks. Employers should also ensure personnel are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment to minimize their risk of injury.


Arc flash training is an essential part of workplace safety, as arc flash incidents can cause serious injury or death to those in the vicinity. It is important for employers to provide personnel with the appropriate training to understand the risks associated with arc flash and to ensure they are adequately prepared to deal with arc flash incidents. Through the use of classroom-style instruction, online programs, and hands-on training, employers can ensure personnel are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their colleagues from the dangers of arc flash.