*Making Marketing Fun* with +Amy Harrison and Dr. +Christopher Vogelmann 

We all know that some of the most successful content is fun, or even outright funny.  We also all appreciate some of the most humourous commercial advertising.  So why do so many companies struggle to make their own marketing fun and engaging?

Our special guests for this show absolutely embody *fun* and we honestly could not come up with any better guests for this topic.

We tried, but they were all busy.

+Amy Harrison is one of the greatest comedians who isn’t on the comedy circuit – instead, she put her talents and humour to the service of marketing, which pretty much makes her a top heroine to +Ammon Johns and many others.  Check out her site at http://harrisonamy.com/ and circle her whether or not you watch this hangout.

+Christopher Vogelmann probably couldn’t live without fun in his life, or in his work ( http://epicwinsystems.com/ ).  Passionate about gamification and the use of fun and challenge in marketing, his quick wit has won him many fans and followers here on G+, and deservedly so.

Together we’ll be discussing how to make your marketing more fun and engaging for your market, and for their influencers.  How to not just get your marketing message heard, but actually anticipated and awaited.

Or alternately, we’ll all descend into an hour of hysterical laughter.

Either way, this will be a great way to spend an hour. so, be sure to select “Yes” to catch the show live, or later on replay, and join our wonderful guests +Amy Harrison and +Christopher Vogelmann, the   #isoosichat   regulars +Ammon Johns, +Bill Slawski and +ISOOSI Research Engine for this discussion.

G+ Hangout Event: http://isoo.si/k9WJp
Watch on YouTube: http://isoo.si/Ae6w9
Main Comment Stream: http://isoo.si/k9WJp
Recommended reading: http://isoo.si/i3T2Q