Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies is a highly engaging and challenging game mode that demands strategy, teamwork, and precision. To play professionally and conquer hordes of undead, follow this comprehensive guide with detailed strategies and tips to improve your skills.

Map Familiarity

Begin your journey towards professional play by mastering the maps. Knowing the layout, important locations, and spawn points is crucial. Each map presents unique challenges, so focus on one at a time. Start with the most straightforward map, “Shadows of Evil,” before progressing to more complex ones.

Team Communication

Professional play in COD Black Ops 3 Zombies requires effective teamwork and following the Fire Staff Code. Use voice chat to coordinate with your team. Assign roles and responsibilities to maximize efficiency, such as a dedicated point defender, a medic, and a crowd controller. Keep communication clear and concise to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Weapon Selection

Choosing the right weapons is pivotal to professional gameplay. Experiment with various guns to find those that suit your playstyle. High-powered weapons like the Ray Gun or Pack-a-Punched guns can be game-changers, but pay attention to the importance of perks and attachments.

Perk Management

Perks are essential for survival. Juggernog, Speed Cola, and Quick Revive are some of the most crucial perks. Invest in them strategically to enhance your abilities. Prioritize perks that align with your role in the team and the map’s challenges.

Training and Kiting

Master the art of training and kiting to control the zombie horde effectively. Train zombies by leading them in a circular path to avoid getting trapped in tight corners. Kiting involves leading a group of zombies behind you while shooting at them. These techniques will help you survive even in tight spots.

Easter Eggs

Many maps in Black Ops 3 Zombies feature complex Easter Egg quests. Solving these intricate puzzles can provide valuable rewards and advantages. Invest time researching and learning each map’s Easter Egg steps to gain an edge over the undead.


Professional players must adapt to the ever-increasing challenges presented by the game. As rounds progress, zombies become more powerful and numerous. Stay calm under pressure, adjust your strategies, and manage your resources wisely. Adaptability is key to surviving and thriving in high-level play.

Continuous Practice

Becoming a professional COD Black Ops 3 Zombies player requires consistent practice. Repeatedly play maps to refine your skills and strategies. Learn from your mistakes and successes, and be open to experimenting with new approaches. Regular practice is essential for maintaining your edge.