Whether you are starting a new business, have been a business owner for a while, or you simply want to improve the way you deal with others at your job or on a personal basis, there are many books that can help you when it comes to personal growth and development. Personal development books can also encourage teamwork and improve the culture of your company.

Businesswoman reading business book

Here are five Books to help improve your company culture:

Courageous Cultures: How to Build Teams of Micro-Innovators, Problem Solvers, and Customer Advocates by Karin Hurt and David Dye

This amazing book will assist you and your employees or co-workers in improving company culture. It will help give each of you a voice when it comes to creating an increased level of engagement within the company and will teach you how to build confidence in yourself and others, so you feel free to express your ideas for solving problems, sharing ideas, and even on how to reward these contributions.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

This book was not a New York Times Best Seller for no reason. It is an extremely popular book that many leaders and companies have embraced to assist their employees in striving to lead by example.

Brené Brown helps get rid of the idea that being vulnerable is a negative thing and teaches you to look at vulnerability as a great level of courage instead. She explains very well in this book that vulnerability is actually at the center of difficult emotions that can get in the way of productivity and leadership in the workplace, such as grief, fear, and disappointment. She instead shows you how to replace those feelings with a sense of belonging, empathy, joy, innovation, love, and creativity that will help foster a better company culture overall.

The Insider's Guide to Culture Change by Siobhan McHale

As you probably already know, a company’s culture is closely related to the overall performance of the company and its employees. This book will reveal that nearly 70 percent of leaders in the workplace put into place to improve cultural change actually end up failing. This book will help inspire teammates to recreate their roles within the company and to break away from negative patterns while improving their overall mindset when it comes to their job and the company.

Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World by Ronald A. Heifetz, Marty Linsky, and Alexander Grashow

Change is difficult for everyone, but this book will help you create change within your company without others feeling threatened as you create those changes and institute them.

Applied Empathy by Michael Ventura

The author of this book shows leaders in a company how to open up their abilities to create solutions while sparking innovation and solving tough problems and keeping empathy at the center of it all.

Now Over to you

Have you read any of the above? What do you think about it? Please leave your comment down below.

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