A name tag stands for more than just the words that are displayed on it, it gives personality to wearer and gives customers to confidence to ask questions, as well as giving accountability for actions and can increase staff morale.

Here are 3 reasons why your employees should wear name tags at work:

Employee wearing name tag

Build Trust

When working in a service industry it pays do everything to be as accommodating as possible, this means covering the smallest details to ensure the greatest experience for your customers. Displaying a name badge not only creates a professional business image, it also enables customers to address you by your name, breaking boundaries and creating a personal connection that can lead to an enhanced service.

People working in a sales role have noted that it can be difficult to build trust but the addition of strong corporate identification can help break the ice and open up potentially valuable conversations, even more so if the name badge holds something personal about the wearer, such as an interesting fact which increases the reasons for talking.

Increase Staff Moral

A key to business success is having a happy and dedicated workforce, as the more staff buy in you get, the healthier your organisational culture, and we all know a happy workforce is a productive workforce, and in many cases increased productivity leads to increased profitability.

A great way to unify your workforce is taking name badges to the next level with personalised workwear for each member of staff. These offerings are available from clothing printing companies like Banana Moon which offers custom embroidered workwear to your specification.

Employees wearing name tags in a meeting


Once you have developed your inclusive culture and each member of staff is treated fairly and as an equal your staff will be proud to wear a name badge with their name, and the company they represent. This element of pride can actively result in a better customer service as your staff are motivated to work heard as they believe in the cause.

An additional aspect of this is the accountability, as staff who are motivated and feel included are more likely to admit to a mistake has been made as the culture reduces consequence, seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn and progress together.

There you have it, our 3 reasons to wear name badges at work. So the next time you look down and see your own name badge, or engage with a member of staff that displays a name badge why not take a minute to appreciate that the name badge is more than just a name, it is a greeting and an invitation to talk.

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