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Emails have been of significant importance in the field of communication. Generally, we use email to connect with friends, families, and colleagues. Today, we will learn about how to Generate Leads with Email Marketing.

Email service providers strive to provide various possibilities for enhancing email designs. This helps in making the Email interactive for marketing purposes. 

Yet, there remains the major challenge of launching an effective email campaign. The primary purpose is to generate marketing qualified leads (MQL).

Marketing qualified leads are different from general leads. Leads are the people who provide their contacts to the business to express their interest in their products or services. 

Whereas, Qualified leads, are those leads who show the engagement on being approached. They are more likely to be converted into actual customers.

Ways to Generate Leads with Email Marketing

Here are some ways marketers can generate leads with Email Marketing.

1. Marketing through content

Developing content is very important for any company willing to Generate Leads with Email Marketing. It’s essential to develop trust among the targeted people, and useful content is effective. 

Content optimization also plays a vital role in the ranking of the website. The higher the ranking, the higher the positioning in search engines.

Good content, coupled with a call to action or another engaging marketing strategy, can be beneficial. 

For Email Marketing Performance, good content is always a plus. This is where you can redirect the public and encouraged to engage further.

Moreover, a content upgrade can add some extra icing to the cake. These are bonus content that you offer to the traffic in return for their Email IDs—a practical method to build a list of emails that one can use later for marketing campaigns. 

2. Building the Email list

Building a list of Email IDs to target is the fundamental thing to do before starting. Businesses used to follow the method of buying several Email IDs to target. 

This dull method of spamming emails to unwilling people is popular even today. This might seem effective but is quite degenerative for the business.

Sending mails to buy Email IDs adversely affects the IP reputation and marks the mail as spam. Thus, it is crucial to building an email list of clients who show interest in business services and products.

3. Email Segmentation

The target audience shows different behaviors depending upon the stages of their interest. The market is divided, based on such behaviors, into different funnels. 

The top is the awareness funnel, the middle is the interest funnel, and the bottom is the buying funnel. People who segregate into these different funnels need to be targeted in different ways as well.

Sending the same mail to everyone isn’t sufficient, and so the Emails need to be segmented accordingly. People can be differentiated based on other factors as well, whether the lead is new or old.

If the lead is an old one, segmentation can be done based on the information collected. The Blogs of their interest, the sites that they visit, their searches, and so on. 

Whereas for a new lead, user behavior is ascertain using appropriate forms. You can use this information can then be used to do segmentation.

4. Captivating subject lines

According to, about 47% of the recipients open the Emails based on the subject lines, and 69% report Emails as spam based on the subject line alone. 

This implies the need for a subject line that is compelling enough for the people to open it. The subject line should be around 35 to 40 characters at most to be readable even in mobile phones.

It should be worked upon carefully. You must Care must be taken not to make it too exclamatory nor too bland. The goal should be clear, and yet the presentation enticing. 

Creating a sense of urgency will make sure that there is no ignorance of email. Marketers must think from the recipients’ perspectives and draft the subject lines accordingly.

5. Right Frequency

An average person spends about 2 hours per day, checking the Emails in different clusters. Several mails in the inbox are either irrelevant or annoyingly repetitive (same sender). 

For an effective campaign, it’s vital to target people during the right time, at the right frequency.

Emails must get sent in case of a special occasion like a festival, a sales event, or an important campaign. 

Following up isn’t essential, but you should not do it aggressively. Research to meet a sound frequency not to annoy the prospective client.

6. Automation

Automation has proven to be an essential tool in making marketing highly productive. Firstly, it saves the time of the marketing team from drafting a lot of mails. Secondly, it helps make the campaign scalable, which otherwise wouldn’t be possible. 

The website can link to an Email automation tool. Customized Emails can be sent based on preference, behavior patterns, and previous engagements. 

The public well receives personalized Emails. Triggered emails can be linked with the contacts’ activities and sent to the contact at the perfect time to derive the best out of the situation. 

There are several Marketing automation platforms that one can choose from. Some of them are- Mail Chimp, Hubspot, Intercom, Marketo, GetNotify, and many more.

7. Active Call to Action

The purpose of the email should be clear and worthy of the customer’s attention and engagement. 

People don’t have time to go through a mail that doesn’t present any significant proposal. And even if there is an advertisement, the dry information doesn’t compel the audience much.

So, you should Email must be constructed with an appropriate call to action. It makes it convenient for the recipient to go through the details of the proposal. 

The landing pages must be optimized as well. Interactive buttons to increase the click-through and the conversion rate.

8. Simple Design

Sophistication isn’t always attractive. Especially not when people are in a hurry, which is when a person is going through the mails. 

Going through big paragraphs with irrelevant information is a tedious task. Simplicity is always preferred as it is easy to comprehend and consumes less time. Draft emails by keeping this logic in mind.

Simple fonts to make the content easy to go through. Images are also a great way to present information. It makes the mail livelier and is easy to understand. 

The human brain comprehends an image 60,000 times faster than texts. If people find the mail compelling, they can always go into the details using the provided CTA links or buttons.

9. Weekly Newsletter

The very purpose of carrying on any marketing campaign is to grow the brand. For it, the clients need to remain aware of the business’ developments and presence. 

A powerful and inexpensive method to do so is by delivering relevant content readily. Newsletters work best in this regard.

A weekly newsletter is to provide information about the growth of the company. Awareness can be created by discussing ongoing developments. 

It is also beneficial in promoting attractive offers and opportunities to the clients. Planning the efficient delivery of the emails will create many leads and trigger growth in the long run.

10. Encourage Engagement

People may treat email as a commercial tool, but ultimately, it is a mode of conversation. Any conversation is a two-sided affair. It is most effective when proper engagement from both the sides transpires. 

An email that appears as a bland advertisement leaves a negative impression. Make efforts to make the campaigns more humanly. 

The customers must be encouraged to respond to their ideas and views. In return, they must give a response as well. This develops trust, and the responses help in analyzing the situation better.

11. Mobile Responsiveness

It is an undeniable fact that mobile technology use has grown a lot over the past decade. The number of people who access content on their phones is on par with the number of people who do so on their computers. 

For this reason, it is essential to draft mobile-friendly Emails. Subject lines to ease visibility. Moreover, the content must be mobile- responsive, as well.

Mobile phone traffic is enormous. A little effort by the marketing team to suit their needs will lead to generous results.

Wrapping it Up

Email marketing is a domain in itself. There are several creative ways to Generate Leads with Email Marketing.

The above-discussed methods are some of the best ways to increase qualified leads. But, some of these might not turn out to be as fruitful as others. 

The best practice is to carry on the processes and test the results until a suitable set of strategies is there.

Which strategy did you find best to suit your purpose? Are there other innovative ways of getting more quality leads through Email Marketing? Let us know by leaving a comment below. 


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