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Even with the advent of modern communication tools, Emails remain a big part of our personal and professional interactions. With emails being such an essential part of our lives, it is only normal that they are regularly cited and used in legal matters as proof of communication. However, extracting emails, making them legible, and converting them properly, has been a big problem, especially for law firms and litigation personnel. 

Today there are only a very few names that come to mind when we think of Email litigation and e-discovery software, and the first name that pops up in our head is ‘Email In Detail.’ Staying miles ahead of its competition, this innovative software has skillfully addressed the needs of both legal professionals and laypeople, creating a solution that not only takes care of email conversion needs but ensures proper presentation before courts and easy discovery. 

We are fortunate to be in conversation with Ms. Olga Lapishnova, the founder of Email In Detail, who gracefully answered our queries about her journey, brand, and the email litigation industry.

In conversation with Ms. Olga Lapishnova, Founder of Email In Detail:

Here’s an excerpt from the interview: 

What prompted you to start Email In Detail?

In the beginning, my team and I had been developing file converters for over 10 years. The files like Doc, PDF, Tiff, are very much like candy wrappers with the candy being the information, just covered by the different file extensions. Through the years, as emails became more and more popular we started to notice a trend. Today, as you know, there is no part of a company’s life that is not represented in the emails. We began to get many requests from law firms and other legal data storage companies to prepare emails for e-discovery and litigation. As it turned out, there were no readily available answers on the market. We realized that we could create an all-in-one powerful email solution for law firms combining all of our engines. This is why we started Email In Detail and began our wide range of apps designed to answer the need for all companies to handle their emails easily and affordably.

Where and how did you discover the need for such a highly-specialized email litigation software?

As emails became more and more popular and were used in business at an ever-increasing rate, the need to handle these emails properly became more and more important. We were in contact with many companies that deal with litigation and preparing lawyers to go into court. Because we were already working with file converters, these companies approached us and asked “do you have any way of processing emails and converting them for us in e-discovery and litigation?”. And today there are many more uses for our Email Detail Apps such as archival email storage as PDF, large email database searches, and easy file conversion. 

Tell us about your journey so far & the challenges you overcame. 

Over the years we faced many challenges as a team. We’ve always pulled together and moved forward successfully as a company. As you know, this year the covid-19 pandemic has been a large challenge. At one time three of our female staff members were out due to illness in their family. This presented difficulty in the development of new applications and customer support, but with hard work, we managed to get through still maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. And even better, thankfully everyone is okay now.

What according to you are the skills needed to make it big in this industry? 

It is important for anybody trying to get into this field today that they are forward-thinking. They must recognize the trends that are emerging and be ready to jump with a novel idea. It’s also very important to recognize a need that is not being met yet. Once you have these two components you can then go forward creating a truly unique product or service.

What do you think the future holds for Email Detail Litigation Software? Do you think the litigation process will become completely digital?

In the future, there will definitely be a switch to completely digital. Law firms usually are slow to adapt to new technology but eventually, they will go completely digital also. Email Detail Litigation will be there with new Innovative software to meet this demand. In business, It’s always important to stay adaptable and scalable with your products as we always endeavor to do with our company Email In Detail.

What would you advise and suggest to the young entrepreneurs and other aspirants in the industry?

I believe that personal phone calls directly to your potential clients are much more useful as insights then any expensive market research. I suggest that you start any product development with phone calls to your target clients, asking them what features they would love to see in the software. 20-30 interviews with real end-users will give you a real vision for the need for the software and show you how to make it the most useful.

What differentiates Email In Detail from its competition? 

Our potential competition often looks at processing emails as a simple task. A team of developers will spend a month or two developing a converter from email to PDF. However, there are so many tiny details that are not readily apparent but will stand in the way of a truly professional and useful product. In order to create the most useful and professional product available, you must take into account emails of different encoding, languages written from right to left, tricky images and emojis, and the processing of attachments. Our years of experience have taught us the right, seamless way to deal with these complexities that our competitors continue to struggle with. 

What is your vision and plan for taking Email In Detail to greater heights in the next 5 years? 

Our company will continue to stay at the forefront of email processing. Email formats evolve over time and because of this, it is necessary for the continual development of our products. Updates and new products will be continually launched to keep Email Detail Litigation a user-friendly seamless application for all your email needs.

What is the key to success for the work you are doing?

I have always been proud of our software engineers. They have created the most powerful email conversion engine ever. But this is only half of our story. We have always endeavored to create a product that was straightforward and user-friendly. We have hidden the most powerful settings inside of an easy to understand, slick interface. Also, another important aspect of our company is our friendly, human customer support. Our users really appreciate this a lot.

What motivates and strengthens you to keep up with the competition? 

Our happy clients. When we get a testimonial that our Email Detail Litigation helped a  paralegal convert emails on time and save a lot of work, I feel motivated to make even more useful email apps.

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