Nothing can be more powerful for your business than knowing how to market on social media. It is no secret that social media has taken the world by storm. Australian businesses interested in moving ahead of the competition will now need to take full advantage of social media in order to do so. Social media provides an effective method for even small businesses to connect with their customers while also building a brand.

In Australia, Facebook alone has an average monthly active user count of 15 million people, YouTube has a similar count with Instagram running third with 9 million and LinkedIn at 4.5 million. With that many people using these platforms you can be guaranteed your target market is on social media. Gone are the days of only using traditional offline methods of marketing, if you want to move to the next level you need to use a mix of marketing methods and get on board with social media.

Out of those 15 million Australians on Facebook, how many do you think could be interested in what you are selling? We’re going to bet quite a few, this makes social media platforms the perfect place to engage with your target market. By engaging with your audience, you have a unique opportunity to be able to understand their wants and needs further. This engagement allows you to really build a relationship with your followers. The more they get to know you and your brand the more invested they will become with you as a business.

Even if your company does not have a large budget to market on social media, you can still compete with larger companies by taking full advantage of the many social media tools now available. The key is to choose the right social media tools for your business.

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#socialmedia #marketing #2021

0:00 You Have to Pay to Play and be Strategic!
1:15 Retargeting with Website Tracking
2:26 Using Custom Audiences on Facebook
3:44 Use a Look Alike Audience
4:41 Commitment Level too High?
6:07 Have a Good Follow Up Process
6:54 Keep Your Customers on Facebook
8:21 Test Everything