In this video Asim Noaman Lodhi shared “Top 5 highest paying jobs in Pakistan | Jobs in Pakistan”.According to Mr. Asim Noaman Lodhi, all of us need to learn new skills for 2025. learning a new skill will increase our chances to get more highly paid jobs. everyone needs to learn these new future skills and transform their personal and professional journey.

World Economic Forum website:

The top 5 skills everyone must learn any one of them

1. Data Scientist
2. Data Analyst
3. Project Management
4. Software Testing
5.Software Development.
#jobs #in #pakistan

Greater adoption of technology will mean in-demand skills across jobs change over the next five years, and skills gaps will continue to be high.

For those workers who stay in their roles, the share of core skills that will change by 2025 is 40%, and 50% of all employees will need reskilling (up 4%).

Critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills that employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years. These have been consistent since the first report in 2016.

But newly emerging this year are skills in self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.

#future #skills #2025