Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Zapier blog! Here’s everything you need to know.

About guest posting for Zapier

What is the Zapier Blog? The Zapier Blog is a publication about productivity, apps, automation, and business growth. We want to help businesses work efficiently and move forward, faster.

Who’s our audience? We’re speaking to anyone who uses software at work. That’s everyone from new solopreneurs, to a marketer at a mid-size organization, to an IT operations manager at a 1,200-person company. Each article will have its own target audience within that group.

What kind of content are we looking for? Posts can run anywhere from 750-2,500 words, depending on the topic, but they usually hover around 1,500 words.

  • Process tips for a specific role. In your role, you’ve learned the tricks of the trade—anything from how to create the perfect customer journey map to how data-based hiring makes for a more successful team. Share these tips with our readers.

  • Tips for working efficiently at a company. Do you have experience with a specific tool or workflow that’s helped you or your team work more efficiently?

  • Small business success stories. If you’re a business owner and have found success with a specific strategy, let’s tell your story to other business owners who need some inspiration. Note: We’re not necessarily looking for Zapier-centric success stories, but we are more than happy for you to mention Zapier as part of your piece.

  • Automation inspiration. Do you use Zapier to keep your work or business on track? We want to know about which Zaps you use most, why they’re valuable for you, and how others could implement them to increase their impact at work.

  • Whatever you’re excited about. Pitch us! The Zapier Blog is always evolving. We’re willing to take risks. (We also accept book excerpts from recently published books.)

Note: We do not accept guest posts about remote work, as that’s an in-house specialty.

Why is it worth your time? We email every post to our blog subscribers and have over two million monthly page views to our content. In your post, you can talk about your company, and when appropriate, include links; and we’ll always include a blurb about you and your business at the end regardless. Your name and photo will also appear just below the article, along with a short bio.

What makes a successful Zapier guest contributor? You have first-hand experience with the topic you’re writing about. You’re able to write in a unique, human voice (not your standard SaaS blog), and you’re able to connect personal experiences with actionable advice. All guest posts should reflect on your own professional experience and must be original content; they cannot have been previously published, unless you’re submitting an excerpt from a book you’ve written.

What’s next? If you’re still interested, complete this form. The blog team will review your pitch, and we will email you to let you know if we’ll be able to move forward with it—we get a ton of submissions and can’t guarantee that we’ll publish your post.

If we approve the topic, you’ll be provided with more information, including the process for outlining, writing, and editing.

Most pitches take 4-6 weeks to go from idea to published post. However, if we complete edits quickly, that turnaround time can be shortened.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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