For most people, storytelling might just seem like a linear recount of events, but it’s more than that.

Storytelling is not a linear recalling of events. It can not be reduced to the common formula of, “First ‘A’ happened, then ‘B’ and then ‘C’ is how it all ended.”. No – as mentioned earlier, storytelling really only hinges on about 5 seconds of a moment – a realization. The 5 seconds is the climax or the change and character arc of a story.

It is how “A” became “B”.

This change, in most stories really only takes about 5 seconds in the real-world but you help make that 5 second moment more impactful by sharing the setting, the build-up and the follow-up of that moment.

Storytelling happens in all walks of life. From the casual conversations held between family members in the kitchen to world-class presentation seminars. The art of storytelling spans across cultures and generations. For this, it is probably one of the greatest tools and techniques to ever be developed and one that will continue to shape and influence our lives.

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