Yoga has become hugely popular over the last few decades with people from all walks of life taking it up. And for good reason.

It’s a hugely healthy practice for both mind and body, and it’s the reason why many medical professionals actively encourage it for a range of different problems.

Visit any drug rehabilitation centre and you’ll see it on a patients schedule, while speak to any lifestyle guru and it’ll be part of theirs too such is the scope of the practice. The pandemic and lockdown proved that more than ever and paved the way for yoga to become even bigger, with influencers on the likes of Instagram making it more popular and more accessible than ever before.


Today, yoga Instagrammers are huge and a fantastic part of the yogi community, so if you’re looking to get into yoga, here are 10 great influencers to follow…

Adriene Mishler (@adrienelouise)

Adriene Mishler is a popular yoga teacher and the founder of Yoga with Adriene, a YouTube channel with over 9 million subscribers. She has over one million followers on Instagram and is often posting inspiring yoga sequences and daily reminders to take care of your mind and body.

Kino MacGregor (@kinoyoga)

Kino MacGregor is an international yoga teacher, author, and co-founder of the Miami Life Center. With over 1.2 million followers, she’s a must follow and some of her yoga poses and tips are amazing for both beginners and yogi pros.

Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl)

Also known as Yoga Girl, Rachel Brathen is a yoga teacher, author, and entrepreneur. Her Instagram account has over 2.1 million followers and welcomes daily yoga inspiration, along with messages of self-love and mindfulness.

Dylan Werner (@dylanwerneryoga)

Dylan Werner is a renowned yoga teacher and is known for his strength and balance-focused yoga sequences. His Instagram account is perfect for anyone who is looking to use yoga to build up their core.

Kathryn Budig (@kathrynbudig)

With over 340,000 followers, Kathryn Budig is a yoga teacher, author, and founder of the popular yoga clothing line, Aim True. Her Instagram account is a must not only for some great tips on yoga, but also all the latest products she’s putting out too.

Jessamyn Stanley (@mynameisjessamyn)

Jessamyn Stanley is a big advocate for body positivity and inclusivity in the yoga world. She’s built a loyal following down the years, with over 400,000 followers and she’s a great inspiration for anyone who is looking to get into yoga.

Tara Stiles (@tarastiles)

Founder of Strala Yoga, a style of yoga that focuses on movement and ease, Tara Stiles’ Instagram account is all about Strala alongside uplifting yoga inspiration, along with messages of self-care and wellness.

Yoga class

Patrick Beach (@patrickbeach)

Patrick Beach is a yoga teacher and creator of the popular yoga app, Awakening Yoga. He’s the perfect person to follow for getting the latest in the yoga world as well as some great tips and tricks that you’ll also find in his app.

Candace Moore (@yogabycandace)

Candace Moore of Yoga by Candace. She’s become hugely popular in recent years, and is brilliant for learning basic poses as well as being engaged with one of the more exciting influencers in the yoga world at present.

Erica Tenggara (@ericatenggarayoga)

Erica Tenggara is a yoga teacher and creator of the popular yoga app, Daily Yoga. Her Instagram account has over 330,000 followers and is really good for tutorials which you can follow along each day.

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