DevOps Testing Tools

The digital age continues to usher in innovative technology. There are new applications being released daily, higher-performing mobile devices, and software that makes software like it just a few years prior look antiquated. All this technology, however, hinges on the ability to test it. And test it fast.

The faster technology and the software that supports it is released, the better chance that business, startup, or enterprise can beat competitors to market. That competitive edge can equate to millions and in some cases billions of dollars in profit.

But behind every software is a highly-skilled, very overworked, DevOps team. It’s just the nature of the profession. And behind every DevOps team are software testing tools that can speed up development and testing. This is where automated testing becomes valuable.

Does your DevOps team have the software testing tools to make QA easier than your competitors? If you’re not sure, the following DevOps testing tools may serve useful. Let’s take a closer look!

6 Best DevOps Testing Tools to Automate Software QA

1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline

A CI/CD pipeline is an automated way to improve the efficiency and productivity of any software project. For example, pipelines by jFrog reduce manual errors of deployment and may increase overall quality with continuous integration, code metrics, and automated software testing. A few of the benefits of using a CI/CD pipeline include,

  • AATs
  • Running pre check-in tests and code analysis
  • Required pull requests
  • Peer code reviews
  • Database refreshes for testing
  • And more

2. Web application testing that spans multiple browsers

Giving your DevOps team the ability to test frameworks in order to test web applications across multiple browsers is a must in today’s innovative era. Software testing tools like Selenium make this happen, testing web applications on Mac and Windows for instance.

Software testing tools like Selenium also have no language barrier. The programming language barrier that is. Your DevOps team can test in Java, Ruby, Python, C++, and more. It’s certainly a software testing tool worth looking into.

3. Make API, web, and mobile testing easier and all-in-one

Getting past user interface (UI) testing for the web can be a challenge for DevOps teams. Until now. There are testing tools like Katalon Studio that provide free automated testing, and it can be built into open-source frameworks. Tools like this can provide,

  • Object repository and re-identification
  • Image-based testing
  • Supported CI tools, such as Jenkins
  • Duel editor interface
  • Java language support
  • Customized workflow

4. Unified functional testing via HPE

Remember HP QuickTest Pro? Now it is HPE, and it packs a lot of automated testing power your team can utilize for regression testing and functional testing for just about any software application.

Using scripting language, this tool can test processes across objects and controls while testing the applications needed. It boasts features like unique smart object recognition, error mechanisms, automated documentation, parameter creation via data tables and objects, and Mercury integration. Not a bad automated testing tool.

5. Automated testing for Java/JavaScript language

When it comes to testing web applications, Sahi is a testing tool that is automated and lean. It is also an open-source testing tool that is specifically developed for Java and JavaScript languages. This gives your DevOps team the ability to automate testing for multiple browsers, as well as record browser testing they’re performing. Sahi also supports frameworks, such as ZK, YUI, Dojo, and EXTJS.

6. Code-less scripting automated testing solution

One automated testing tool that supports code-less scripting can be very useful to DevOps processes. With TestingWhiz, you and your team can have a number of testing tools at your fingertips, such as software testing, web testing, database testing, API testing, mobile app testing, and more.

TestingWhiz also delivers regression testing, cross-browser testing, optimization, and of course automation. You can test via keywords and data, enable SMTP integration, test browser extensions, customize your recording rules, and have a central object repository.

What DevOps automation testing tools do you have in place?

The above automation testing tools can come in very handy for your DevOps team. From CI/CD pipelines to web application testing, having strong testing tools can make a big impact on bringing your software to market. It can increase efficiency and assist in giving your business a competitive edge.

That being said, the above-automated testing tools are only the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of other tools your DevOps team may find useful for testing software. The above, however, are great testing tools to consider when it comes to automation. What tools do you currently have in place? Are they effective?

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