From time to time, companies and enterprises have to be rated. This simply entails assessing the quality, performance or standards of the services they offer. In most cases, this is done with the view of seeing how the enterprises fair on with each other.

As with any other undertaking, some discrepancies or misinformation are naturally bound to arise. If and when such issues arise, the firms affected will generally have to seek redress. That is where the ‘criticism letter’ comes in.

It is basically one that is drafted by a rating organization typically to clarify or make up for any errors or inconsistencies that are noted on the previous ratings. Due to its complexity, not many people may draft it comfortably. That is why a sample letter of criticism comes in handy.

How to Write a Criticizing Letter

  • Analyze the situation at hand first and foremost before attempting to draft the letter. Only proceed after ensuring that you have your facts right.
  • Approach the matter from a position of neutrality. Try as much as possible to eliminate all forms of biases.
  • Maintain the same neutrality as you draft the rest of the letter. This has to be exhibited in the tone and the language you use to convey your feelings to the reader.
  • Commence the exercise with a proper salutation. How you start out definitely has a bearing on the way in which the letter may be perceived by the reader.
  • Offer some suggestions on the possible way forward. The suggestions you give forth have to be relevant to the root cause of the problem at hand.
  • It pays to appreciate the person or firm being criticized for the services he/it has provided all along. That way, it will usually see to it that you do not appear as being a sadist.
  • Append your signature, add your name, and end the letter appropriately after you are done with drafting the same.
  • Start with the verbal warnings. Draft the letter if and only if the warnings fail to yield the desired end results.
  • Make the letter sound professional in the manner in which you word the letter and the tone that you employ throughout.
  • Keep the letter as brief as can possibly be the case. Do not bore your readers with unnecessarily long letters that may confuse him altogether.
  • Be transparent all the while. Every accusation you level against the reader has to be backed by supportive evidence.
  • Offer some valid solutions to the reader to be able to be taken seriously. You want to prevent a situation where you may be deemed a talker but not a doer.
  • Needless to point out you have to check the letter for any spelling or grammatical mistakes before submitting to the reader.

Criticism Letter Format


Date (date on which the letter is drafted)


Subject __________________________________________________________________

Dear Mr._____ (Name of the recipient)

We regret to have to let you know that from now going forward, we have severed any business ties with you until communicated otherwise. As such, all the pending contracts are canceled forthwith.

The reason that underlies our unfortunate decision is _______________ (state the exact reason). The ban takes effect _____________ (mm/dd/yyyy) and shall run for no less than ____ (number of days).

It is our hope that we shall resume any dealings with you as soon as is practically possible.

We thank you for being by our side all the while.

Truly yours,

(Name and Signature)

Sample Criticism Letter/E-mail


Jackson Lieberman,

Colman Investments Incorporated,

3430 East Russell Road,

Las Vegas, NV 89120

February 19, 2022


Jeremy Corby,

Colman Investments Incorporated,

3430 East Russell Road,

Las Vegas, NV 89120

Subject: Temporary suspension from work

As you know, we have repeatedly warned you of your truancy from work. Our verbal warnings have unfortunately borne no fruit. We have subsequently decided to suspend you from work with effect from today February 19, 2022.

It shall run for three weeks, which means you shall resume duty on the first Monday after the conclusion of the three-week duration.

We cherish and appreciate the contribution you have made to our organization during your stint here.

Truly yours,

Jeremy Corby,

You now know the steps to take to draft a letter of this kind if and when you get confronted with the need to do just that. With this knowledge firmly at your fingertips, is it not in order for you to move with haste now and implement it? What more could you ask from us?

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