Desktop virtualization isn’t complicated when you have got V2 Cloud. V2 Cloud, a Desktop as a Service solution, is built to help companies of all sizes manage their remote workforce while staying cyber secure. It enables businesses to offer a multi-user Windows Operating System with MS Office and all business applications that their workforce can access at any time from anywhere on any device.

While conversing with Mathieu Ferland, the Founder of V2 Cloud, we got to know that V2 Cloud is a bootstrap cloud system that doesn’t have a physical office. Yes, you are hearing it right! V2 Cloud has team members working remotely from different parts of the US, Canada, India, Macedonia, Serbia, and Pakistan. Being a pragmatic leader, Mathieu often works in sequences and processes to analyze what works best for his company. Well, there are many more aspects of this company and the founder that we will unbox in this interview of ours.

In Conversation with Mathieu Ferland, Founder of V2 Cloud

How did the idea of building V2 Cloud come across?

I was working for a software company and we had so much trouble implementing the software on the client’s site. Network was slow and the servers were old; so, it resulted in our software being slow and clients were complaining about it. This is when I decided to build a Cloud offering for that type of software that would reside in the data-center on fast hardware.

Tell us something about your services in brief.

We sell Desktops as a managed service. The desktops are securely accessible from any device from anywhere.

We learned that V2 Cloud has no physical office. Your entire workforce functions remotely. How beneficial do you find this?

Being fully remote enables you to find a workforce anywhere in the world. This has a tremendous advantage especially when you work in technology where talent is hard to find.

How is V2 Cloud different from its competitors?

Speed, simplicity, and technical support. You can start building a 100% Cloud office without any IT knowledge and whenever you have a question or problem we have a team of technicians ready to help 7 days a week.

What is it that keeps your disparate workforce on the same page? Do you leverage any software except V2 Cloud for streamlined business operations?

Of course. We use multiple tools like Slack, Trello, Github, Intercom, Hubspot, Asana, Zoom, and many others. Each department has their own project management tools to make sure communication is efficient, all employees are up-to-date, and working on the right thing despite being far away from each other. Communication is key; so, you need to build your processes and provide the right tools to make sure everyone is on the same page.

How do you keep yourself inspired and updated?

Listening to customers. They always express their needs and concerns. It’s never crystal clear but if you listen carefully you can decrypt what they want and what they need. We build our product based on that.

What is the hardest decision you have taken to date?

Bootstrapping the company and growing organically rather than getting funded.

How do you manage your remote team effectively?

Using the right tools and hiring people who are comfortable working this way. It’s not for everyone so you need to hire the right people.

Any piece of advice you might have for budding entrepreneurs?

Don’t give up The problems get better as you move forward.

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