A request letter for a job opportunity, also called a letter of interest for a job opportunity, is a letter written by a job seeker expressing interest in a possible position with a target company. The purpose of a request letter for a job opportunity is to introduce yourself to a company, express interest in a job, and to request an informational interview.

This letter is a useful way to get your foot in the door of your target company, even when there are no available positions. This letter should tell the target company how you can help the company succeed.

The Difference Between a Request Letter and a Cover Letter

A cover letter for a job application is used to introduce yourself when you are applying for a job. A request letter for a job opportunity can be sent anytime you want to introduce yourself to a target company, especially when they have no jobs currently listed. A well-written request letter and follow-up will encourage an employer to contact you when they have an open position that fits your skills and abilities.

Research your target company to learn the following:

  • What types of people do they hire?
  • What skills and personal qualities do they prefer in their employees?
  • The company mission statement – what is their primary goal?
  • The company ethos – what do they value in the workplace?

List the qualities and skills your target company values. This list will help you decide what to highlight in your letter.

What to Include in a Request Letter

When you begin a job search, the first step should be to define your skills, abilities, and the qualities you value in yourself and your work environment. Create a detailed list. Unlike a resume, this list is for your personal use. The purpose of this list is to provide you with clear talking points when you write cover letters or job request letters. This list should include the following:

  • Your skills and abilities
  • Your personal qualities and goals
  • Your personal preferences for workplace environments

Here is a list of the basics of a request letter for a job opportunity:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The skills you want to highlight
  • The personal qualities you want to highlight
  • Request for an informational interview
  • A show of gratitude
  • Attach a resume

Begin by matching your skills and qualities to those preferred in your target company. Be prepared to back up your skills with examples of how you have used them to benefit your current or most recent employer. If you are a recent graduate, match your academic and extracurricular activities to the company’s preferences.

Also, be certain you have the name of a contact in the company. You should address your letter to someone inside the company who can affect hiring decisions. Never send a letter of request for a job opportunity addressed to “Sir,” “Madam,” or “To Whom It May Concern”.

Request Letter for Job Opportunity (Format)

Here is the basic format for a request letter for a job opportunity. You can use this format by adding your information.

{your name}

{your address}

{your email address}

{your phone number}

{your website if you have one}


{recipient name}

{target company name}

{recipient address}

Dear {recipient}:

{Tell your recipient how you learned about the company. Inquire about possible job opportunities.}

{Detail your skills and show how you have used those skills to help your current or previous employer. Use the skills the company values! Talk about your qualities that match the company’s preferences.}

{Let your recipient know you have attached a resume, and request an informational interview.}

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


{your signature}

{your name}

Sample Request Letter for Job Opportunity

Here is a sample letter based on the format above. It demonstrates how to use the format to help you get an informational interview with your target company.

James Henderson

5768 West Southpark Street

Jennings, MN 98776


(876) 929-6573

January 25, 2035

Mr. William Cates

ABC Cable

3008 West 46 Street

Jennings, MN 98789

Dear Mr. Cates:

I recently read in a customer satisfaction article that ABC Cable has won multiple awards for outstanding customer service. ABC Cable’s record for customer satisfaction is the reason I am writing to inquire if there might be a position available in your customer service department.

My team recently won the quarterly customer service award. My personal ability to resolve customer’s problems satisfactorily and pleasantly was honored with the Customer Service Employee of the Year award last year. I am certain my skills can help ABC Cable further their goal of an exceptional customer experience.

My resume is enclosed for your reference. I would appreciate an opportunity to speak with you about how I can help ABC Cable attain and maintain the status of Number One in Customer Care. I can be reached at hendersonj@email.com or at (876) 929-6573.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


James Henderson

James Henderson

Request Letter for Job Opportunity (Word Template)

Request Letter for Job Opportunity Word Template

Writing and following up on a request letter for a job opportunity can help you be sure your resume is carefully considered when there is an opening at your target company. Be sure to do your research and tailor your letter to those qualities your target company values in its employees. Double-check for errors, and don’t forget to follow up. The job market is competitive. Make sure you stand out by writing a great letter.

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