An appeal letter for a school transfer is a document written by a student’s parent urging the target school to reconsider their decision to deny the student’s transfer request. When a transfer request is denied, the student’s parent can write an appeal letter urging the school to change their decision. This letter is a professional document, so write it in a professional format and a professional tone. If possible, back up your appeal letter with evidence that shows the transfer is in the student’s best interest.

This article will show you how to write a school transfer appeal letter in six simple steps. There is also a format below that you can use to create your appeal letter. A sample letter demonstrates how to use the format to write your transfer appeal letter.

How to Write an Appeal Letter for a School Transfer

  • Format your letter professionally. Follow the format provided below to type your name and address, the date, and the school’s name and address. The best practice in letter-writing is to write to a person rather than a title. Address your letter to the person who sent the transfer denial.
  • Begin your letter. Type a subject line like this one: “RE: Denied School Transfer Request, {Student’s name}”
  • Write the introduction. In the first few lines of your letter, tell the reader why you are writing. Identify yourself as the parent or guardian of the child whose request for transfer was denied. Then politely explain that the school should reconsider their decision.
  • Backup your statement. Use the body of your letter to demonstrate why your child should be transferred to the target school. Use specific reasons your child is not suited to the school designated for attendance by location. For instance, if your child needs a particular accommodation that their school does not have, point it out clearly.

    For instance, if your child is physically handicapped and their home school does not have appropriate accommodations, point this out. If your child has been bullied at their school, use evidence of the harm your child has suffered at his home school. Be certain to include paperwork from doctors, social workers, or therapists to build your case.

  • Clearly and politely request the school’s reconsideration. Tell them you would be happy to discuss the case with them. Remember to offer your contact information.
  • Close your letter. Thank the school for their consideration of your request. Then close your letter with “Sincerely,” and sign it.

Appeal Letter for School Transfer (Format)

{your name}

{your address}


{recipient name}

{recipient title}

{school name}

{school address}

RE: Denied School Transfer Request, {student name}

Dear {recipient},

I am writing on behalf of my child, {student name}. {(His) or (Her)} request for transfer to your school was recently denied. I hope you will reconsider this decision in view of my child’s best interests.

{Student’s name} is assigned to a school that cannot adequately meet {(his) or (her)} educational needs. {Use this space to provide the reason your child’s needs cannot be met at their home school.} I have enclosed verification of {the problems} from {provider of verification}.

I urge you to reconsider your decision based on this information. I am happy to speak with you about my child’s needs. I can be reached at {phone number} and at {email address}.

Thank you very much for your consideration of my request.


{your signature}

{your name}

Sample Appeal Letter for School Transfer

Mrs. Jane Fields

2869 South 55 Place

Brookside, NV 29680

May 30, 2022

Mr. Jacob Harrison


Brookside West High School

4008 West 21 Street

Brookside, NV 29680

RE: Denied School Transfer Request, {student name}

Dear Mr. Harrison,

I am writing on behalf of my child, Jason Fields. His request for transfer to your school was recently denied. I hope you will reconsider this decision in view of my child’s best interests.

Jason is assigned to a school that cannot adequately meet his educational needs. He was bullied at his home school because of his physical disability, causing him tremendous emotional and physical pain. I strongly believe that Jason could flourish at your school, which is designed for physically disabled children and where a much higher percentage of disabled students attend.

I have enclosed verification of his suffering from both his therapist and his social worker. I have also enclosed verification of his disability from his surgeon.

I urge you to reconsider your decision based on this information. I am happy to speak with you about my child’s needs. I can be reached at (978) 232-4004 and at

Thank you very much for your consideration of my request.


Jane Fields

Appeal Letter for School Transfer (Word Template)

  • Introduce yourself and ask the school to reconsider their decision.
  • Explain the problem with the assigned school clearly.
  • Provide adequate verification to back up your claim.
  • Be sure to thank the school for their consideration.

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