The permission request letter is a document that allows you to formally request permission to do something, such as take a leave of absence from school or work. While you could ask your manager for a leave, the request letter puts the request in writing, so you, your manager, and Human Resources will all have copies. This is incredibly useful, especially if a dispute arises.

If you have to compose a permission request letter, we hope you’ll find the following guide useful. Even if your topic is different, the basic concept and formatting style remains the same. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to compose and format a permission request letter asking for a leave from work.

How to Write Your Permission Request Letter

Before you begin any writing project, it’s good to gather all the relevant information together. Simply jot down the necessary information on a paper or MS Word. Next, go over the list carefully, making sure you’ve left nothing out and eliminating any information that’s not relevant to your permission request letter.

Language and tone are crucial to crafting the perfect permission request letter. After all, the recipient doesn’t have to grant you what you ask for. As such, to keep the ball in your court, make sure that the letter comes across as courteous and professionally written as possible: Conversational yet professional.

After you’ve gathered your data, it’s time to craft your letter. If writing is not your forte, then fear not because a permission request letter is designed to be short and to the point. This means that both the sentences and paragraphs are kept short, so they house just the facts. To help you get a solid kick start, we’ve included a list of items that may be used in your letter. We say ‘may’ because all permission request letters are unique, based on their situation.

  • First and last names of all involved
  • State the request, asking for a leave from work
  • State why this request is important to you
  • Include start and end dates
  • Let your employer know that you’ve already made plans for your workload
  • Include all contact information
  • Sign, and send

How to Format Your Leave Request Letter

If you’re ready, then let’s begin the formatting process. The permission request letters asking for leave from work are considered a business document. This means you’ll be using business block style formatting. Here, all sections begin at the left margin, are single-spaced, with double-spacing in between sections. The top, bottom right, and left margins are to be one inch, the font style Arial or New Times Roman, and the size between 11 and 14 points. What you’re going for is an attractive, professional business document that is easy to read and well organized. Below are the main sections of your permission request letter:

Sender’s information

This is the first section in your letter and functions to identify you as the sender. Include both your full first and last name, home mailing address, and up-to-date contact information. After all, you are seeking a response to make it a simple matter to be found and contacted. This information includes email, social media, or website.


The date refers to the date you completed and signed the letter.

Recipient’s Contact Information

This section is for your recipient’s contact information. Include their title, first and last name, business mailing address, phone and email address.

Subject Line

The subject line alerts the recipient to what the letter is about, so don’t be indirect. If you don’t provide a solid subject line, then there’s a chance your letter will be passed over.

Body Text

The body text is where the action is, so to speak. As previously mentioned, keep both sentences and paragraphs as short as possible. There are generally only three paragraphs. However, every situation is different, so if you need more, then by all means, do so.

Section One

The first paragraph is where you’ll introduce yourself by name, and make your request for a leave of absence known. Also be sure to include the start and end dates of your leave, as well as any other pertinent information, such as your department, if applicable.

This letter is about taking a leave of absence from ACME Beads, Inc. My name is Elsie Tryon, and I’m currently being transferred to the Florida branch. As such, I require a leave of absence during the first two weeks of September 2020, in order to complete the move.

Section Two

Now that you’ve introduced yourself and made your request, it’s time to move on to the next section. Here, you’ll take this opportunity to state why the request for a leave is important to you. Take great care here. Be honest with your employer, so you get all the time off you need.

My family and I are very excited about this new opportunity at ACME Beads, and are looking forward to living in our new home. That being said, we spoke with the Florida branch’s HR Department and the realtor for our new property, and learned it will take at least 2 weeks to bring everything together and become situated. I’m enclosing the contact information for the Florida’s HR Department, as well as my realtor for verification if needed.

Section Three

There you have it, you’re almost done! Now all that’s needed is to thank your employer, and leave your contact information.

Dear Mr. Sanderson, let me take this opportunity to thank you for all you’ve done. This promotion and move to Florida means much to my family and myself. If you have any further questions or concerns, you can reach me at any time, at 555-555-5555.


A closing is nothing more than a way to end your letter on a professional note. You are already familiar with these phrases. Just make certain that you only use business-friendly phrases–nothing silly or personal. If you choose a phrase, then only capitalize the first word:

• Yours truly

• Sincerely

• Sincerely yours

• Best regards

Once complete, carefully proofread and edit your permission request letter. Remember to make copies for yourself, your department file and the HR Department. if for any reason, any part of this letter contains sensitive information, you are free to have it notarized.

Sample Permission Letter Asking for Leave from Work

The following permission request letter sample is to be used as a guide to assist you in writing your own. Sample letters are a valuable way to learn how to compose these letters, as they are void of unnecessary information, are well-organized and brief, and written using a professional tone

[Senders full name

Mailing address

Phone number/email][Date Letter Signed][Recipient’s Full Name

Mailing Address

Phone Number/Email]

Subject: Re: [Type of Permission Letter]

Dear [Name of Recipient]

My name is [Full Name], from [Business Department] of [Business Name]. This letter is n regards to my request to take a leave of absence in [Start and End Date]. This leave of absence involves [Reason for Leave].

The reason the leave is crucial at this time is [State Why the Leave is Important]. I’ve included both documents and contact information of all parties involved if necessary. I’ve already trained [Employee’s Name] to handle my responsibilities while I’m on leave.

I truly appreciate this chance to shine for [Company Name[. Thank you so much for this opportunity, I promise I’ll make you proud. In case you need to contact me for any further reason, my contact information is [Contact Information].


[Signature][Typed Name]

Permission Letter Asking for Leave from Work (Word Template)

There you have it! You’re done. Not so bad, was it? As long as you include only information relevant to your leave, keep it tight and short with a professional tone, you should be ok. Don’t forget to format it using business block style, to have it proofread, and edit it if necessary. Always include a sentence or two of why you need this leave of absence. Finally, mention that you’ve made arrangements regarding who’ll be responsible for your workload when you’re away. When all is said and done, save a copy to your hard drive, and make several hard copies. One should be for your personal file, the other for the HR department, and one for your employer. By creating signed copies of your letter, you should be on solid ground if a dispute occurs.

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