Overdue payments are a business’s worst nightmare. The prospect of requesting payment from a client can be daunting. However, it is sometimes necessary, especially if the client is trying to avoid honoring their invoice. This is where a collection letter comes in. Most businesses send a total of four collection letters. While each is used to request payment, they all vary in tone and urgency. An aggressive collection letter is a final correspondence with the reader before turning the debt to a collection agency.

This letter varies greatly from a regular collection letter. Here is everything you should know about it.

What to Include in a Collection Letter

Always send this letter via certified mail so you can get proof that it was received. Remember, an aggressive collection letter is the final attempt to reach the reader before taking legal action. It should always be a last resort after you have exhausted all other avenues.

Here are all the details you should include in the letter:

  • Nature of Debt – Mention the invoice number, name of purchased goods, and amount due. As you likely provided these details in previous letters, this should act as a reminder.
  • Debt Details – When was the date of the original invoice? How many days past due is the debt now? Acquaint the reader with their current debt details.
  • Previous Attempts – Mention all your previous attempts to collect the debt. These could include previous letters, emails, and phone calls. Feel free to mention the times the reader failed to respond.
  • Instructions – Provide the reader with payment instructions, including a new deadline.
  • Contact Information – Include your email address and phone number and invite the reader to contact you with any questions.
  • Warning – Mention the steps you plan to take if your instructions are ignored. Be firm but polite and professional.

Writing Tips for an Aggressive Collection Letter

An aggressive collection letter loses the friendly tone of a regular collection letter. It is more firm and final. However, it still maintains its professionalism. Here are more tips to help you draft it:

  • Always maintain a firm but polite and professional tone.
  • Use a formal business format.
  • Avoid writing in lingo or using references unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Politely remind the reader of their contract.
  • Reference your previous attempts to collect payment
  • Avoid using rude or harsh language.
  • Maintain a note of finality

Aggressive Collection Letter Format


{Client’s Name}

{Client’s Address}

{City, State, Zip Code}

Re: {Invoice Number}

Dear {Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name},

This is a final reminder of your invoice {invoice number}, which was due on {date}. We have previously contacted you on this matter through {letters/emails/phone calls} on {date 1}, {date 2}, and {date 3}. Unfortunately, we have received no response from you.

According to our records, you owe {company name} the sum of {due amount} for {product/service name}. This amount is subject to a {percentage} percent penalty due to late payment. The total is now {total debt amount}.

If you fail to make the payment or contact us by {deadline}, we will be {mention a plan of action, e.g., forwarding your account to a collection agency}.


{Your Name}

{Job Title}

{Company Name}

Sample Aggressive Collection Letter

19 November 2030

Alice Victor

124 Garden Grove

Milford, MA 2157

Re: Invoice Number 34527/Apex

Dear Mrs. Victor,

On 1 September 2030, you received a shipment of antique coffee tables from Apex Industries. These goods, which are valued at $5,400, were due for payment on 15 September 2030. Unfortunately, you have been forthcoming in our previous attempts to collect on this debt.

Kindly note that this is a final notice on your invoice for the above goods. If you do not contact us or make payments to account 78390AP, we will forward your account to Shark Tank Collection Agency.

We also plan to take legal action if this invoice remains unpaid by 25 November 2030.


Nicki Johansen

Apex Industries

Aggressive Collection Letter (Word Template)

The tone in an aggressive collection letter should be assertive and firm but professional. It should include all the details of a regular collection letter. However, it should also mention your plans to take action if the debt is not paid.

Make sure the document carries a note of finality. Let the reader know that this is their last chance to honor their payment. That said, nonetheless, but don’t be rude or condescending.

Finally, always use your full company name, address, and letterhead to authenticate the letter.

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