A change of address letter to customers is a letter in which a company informs its customers about an address change. When your company moves, the most effective way to provide customers with your new address is to send your customers a change of address letter. Change of address letters only need to inform your customers, but adding some creativity can make your letter stand out and get noticed.

In this article, you will learn how to create an effective change of address letter to your customers. We also provide a format you can adapt for your change of address and a sample to demonstrate its use.

What to Include in Your Change of Address Letter

An effective change of address letter should contain all the necessary information your customers need to know to locate your business. Include all of the following:

  • The effective date
  • Company name
  • Name and contact information for questions
  • Your website address
  • New mailing address
  • New physical address (if different)
  • New telephone number
  • Map with location shown (if the new place is hard to find)
  • The effective date

Adding a brief description of the area or a map can help your customers easily find your new location.

How to Make Your Move Get Noticed

No matter who your customers are, they get a lot of mail. Much of it is tossed in the garbage bin. Here are some customer service tips for ensuring your change of address gets noted.

  • Include a subject line. ‘We’re moving” is more interesting than “Change of address notice.” However, your tone should always be consistent with the nature of your business. “Address change” is probably more appropriate if you an attorney than “We’re moving.”
  • Enclose a thank-you discount coupon or offer gifts. One technique for getting your mail opened is to note “Discount Inside” on the envelope. Not only does your letter get noticed, but your customer receives a perk, and you obtain more business.
  • Write to a person, not “valued customer.” Use your customer’s name and check to make sure you have correctly spelled it. Doing this adds a personal touch to your letter and makes your customers feel they are more than an account number.
  • Tell your customer why you are moving. Especially if you are a supplier for several local companies, tell your customer why you need to move. Customers must change your information in their system and often must physically find your new location. Tell them why so they will not see this as a bothersome task.
  • Create a readable message. Keep your sentences concise and your paragraphs short. Place your new address early in the letter and separate it from the rest of your text.
  • Sign each letter by hand. If possible, sign each letter. Small personal touches like a signature make your customers feel valued.

Almost everyone enjoys a friendly get-together. Consider holding an open house or a tour of your new facility. These events are informative and familiarize your customers with your new location.

Format for a change of address letter to your customers

{your name}

{company name}



{receipient name}

{company name}


Subject: {subject, such as “We’re moving!”}

Dear {recipient name},

{Tell your customer why you are moving here.} Our new address is:

Mailing address: {mailing address line one}

{mailing address line two}

Physical address: {physical address if different}

{physical address line two}

Primary telephone: {phone number}

Date effective: {date}

{website address}

Contact: {your name and contact information}

{if you are enclosing a map or driving directions, note that here.}

{if you are holding an opening event at your new location, add the event information here.}

We appreciate your continued business. To thank you, we have enclosed a discount coupon and a code you can use for your online order.

Kind regards,

{your signature}

{your name}


Sample Letter

Mallory Johnson

Allied Electronics

3042 South Jackson Ave.

Ellery, IL 39446

May 22, 3032

Jeremy Fields

Master Aircraft

400 West Narcissus

Ellery, IL 49446

Subject: We’re moving

Dear Jeremy,

We’ve outgrown our manufacturing facility! We are excited to move into our larger location in Downtown Ellery. Our new address is:

405 West Elm

Ellery, IL 39446

Primary telephone: (896) 523-9937

Date effective: July 1, 2032

Website: alliedelec.com

Contact: Mallory Johnson, (896) 523-9938 or johnsonmal@alliedelec.com

We are celebrating our move with an open house and tour of our new facility. Please join us on July 6, 2032, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. for snacks and giveaways.

We appreciate your continued business, and we hope you can attend.

Kind regards,

Mallory Johnson

Mallory Johnson


Change of Address Letter to Customers (Word Document)

  • Include all the information your customers need to locate you
  • Enclose a map or directions if necessary
  • Write to the customer’s name and sign your letter
  • Make sure your new address is the focal point of your message
  • Include a discount, a gift giveaway, or an open house or tour
  • Provide your contact information

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