A change of address letter for a business is a document that informs clients, suppliers, and other interested parties of a business address change. Moving your business doesn’t need to be complicated. A simple change of address letter can notify all the interested parties of your business move.

In this article, we will discuss who you need to notify and what you should include in your letter.

Who to Notify When You Move Your Business

Knowing who to notify when your business is moving helps your move progress smoothly. Use this checklist to ensure you have notified everyone of your move.

  • Telephone company
  • Electric company
  • IRS
  • Secretary of State for your state
  • Local and City tax agencies
  • Business credit reporting agencies
  • Directory listings
  • Clients and customers
  • Credit card companies
  • Product suppliers
  • Service companies
  • Shipping companies
  • Post office
  • Banks
  • Insurance companies
  • Social media accounts

You may need to call some of these companies or complete forms in addition to sending a change of address letter to them.

In addition to sending a change of address letter to all your contacts, add a notice to the email signature line of each employee. This addition notifies anyone who might be missed and reminds readers of the new address.

What to Include in a Change of Business Address Letter

Incorporate these elements to create an effective letter.

  • An opening statement informing the reader you have moved
  • Your new address
  • New telephone number if applicable
  • Effective date
  • Contact name for questions
  • Directions to the new address
  • A request to the reader to update their records
  • A closing statement thanking the reader
  • (Optional) Old address

Place the new address immediately after the opening statement, and create a format that highlights your new address. If your mail is delivered to a P.O. box and the new address is the physical location of your company, note this in your letter.

Tip: Use your change of address letter as a way to advertise! As an example, you might hold an open house for your customers if you own a retail shop. Create a letter that is also an invitation to the open house and a discount coupon. Or note that you are giving away an item to the first 100 customers at the new address. Use your imagination to find a business opportunity in your change of address letter.

Change of Address Letter for Business (Format)

Print this letter on updated company letterhead.


{recipient name}

{recipient position title if applicable}

{recipient company name if applicable}

{recipient address}

Dear {recipient name},

{Place your introductory statement here.}

Old address:

{address line one}

{address line two}

{telephone number}

New address:

{address line one}

{address line two}

Contact: {Name and telephone number}

Directions: {directions}

Effective date: {date}

{Place your request to update records here.} {Place your closing statement here.}


{your signature}

{your name}

Sample Change of Address Letter for Business (Format)

June 2, 2025

Ms. Jessica Avery

Senior Buyer

Atlas Aircraft

2000 West Hummingbird Lane

Broken Bow, OK 75669

Dear Jessica,

We’ve moved! Join us for an open house at our new location on Friday, June 10, at 3:00 p.m. We will have refreshments and a quick tour of our new facility. Come see our new place and take home some new Allied Materials notepads and a coffee cup.

Our new business address is:

2046 South 101 Street

Broken Bow, OK 75669

You can find us just north of the corner of Elm and 101 Street in Broken Bow.

My new business telephone number is (256) 389-5667.

Effective date: June 2, 2035

I hope you will be able to join us. You can RSVP at my new number above or by email at johnsonben@alliedmaterials.com. And please remember to update your records to reflect my new address and telephone number.

Best wishes,

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

Change of Address Letter for Business (Word Template)

Change of Address Letter for Business Word Template

Notifying everyone of your new business address is easy with a change of address letter that you can tailor to each recipient. Be sure to notify everyone on the checklist we have provided above. Include your new address and telephone number in your letter. In addition, provide a contact name and the date of the move. You can use your letter to create an extra business opportunity by holding an open house. Feel free to use the format we have provided to write your change of address letter.


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