These days, before a college student can move up their chosen career path, it has become a must to complete an internship. It is also mandatory in some universities for students to complete an internship to graduate. Even when it is not a requirement, some students choose to do an internship to acquire on-the-job experience.

Young adults can also use the internship as an entry point into a particular profession for which they have no training. Getting an internship helps to beef up a resume, and when mentioned in a cover letter or during an interview, it grabs the attention of prospective employers. 

What is a Recommendation Letter for an Internship?

Getting the typical internship is generally easy as they are unpaid jobs. High-level positions, however, will require a Recommendation Letter of Internship to ensure that the individual being selected has the ability and knowledge to handle the everyday tasks associated with the position.

A Recommendation Letter for an Internship is a document usually written by a past employer or teacher. It is a character reference passed on to an organization or company to help the applicant secure the internship position on offer. 

Who to Select?

The ideal person to write a Recommendation Letter for an Internship is a former teacher, professor, or employer. Such a professional is in an excellent position to comment on your personality, character, and work ethic. To show the prospective employer if you make a good match for their company, you must select someone who knows or has known you personally rather than going for an individual with a particular title. A person who has known you for some time can tell the employer who you really are.

What to Include 

The purpose of an Internship Letter of Recommendation is to make a positive case that the student will be successful if granted the targeted internship. The writer should describe how they know the applicant. The letter should provide:

  • A brief description of the person applying and their most relevant qualities
  • Specific examples illustrating positive characteristics
  • Any relevant anecdotes to the targeted internship responsibilities.

Remember to stay on topic, steer clear of humor, physical attributes, and other irrelevant things. Try highlighting qualities that are likely to translate to the internship. A copy of the applicant’s resume will provide helpful insight into the person’s attributes and qualifications.

How to Write a Recommendation Letter for Internship

Salutation – Using “Dear……..” will do.

Paragraph one. Explainyour relationship or connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know him/her and for how long.

Paragraph two. Mention why the applicant would make a great fit for the internship. State why you think the individual can contribute to the company/organization. Remember to include examples of the applicant’s qualifications and expertise.

Paragraph three. Summarize your internship recommendation by stating thatyou “recommend without reservation” or “highly recommend” the student. These are definitive phrases that show you solidly truly stand behind the recommendation. 

Final Paragraph. Agree to offer more information if requested and include your phone number and email address.

Closing. End the recommendation letter with a formal letter closing that includes your name and job title.

Recommendation Letter for Internship Format

No matter a student’s chosen field, having a letter of recommendation for an internship from a qualified person goes a long way towards helping you secure a solid internship. The standard format includes three main parts:

• Introduction

• Body Paragraph(s)

• Conclusion

If someone requests you write an internship recommendation letter, take the time to write a top-notch document.

Sample Recommendation Letter for Internship


Fraciah Keane

HR Manager

Sloth and Sloth Advocates

Dear Fraciah,

I wholeheartedly offer this letter supporting Jessica Brown’s application for the summer holiday internship at Sloth and Sloth Advocates. Jessica was my student in the undergraduate prelaw seminar at Northern Community College. I found her to be a diligent and creative student with a natural aptitude for legal writing and research. Jessica also earned the highest grade in this course.

It is my understanding that your interns’ research on novel topics with limited support and supervision. In my course, law students were tasked with tackling exotic and new legal topics, relying on collaboration with classmates and legal databases to handle such challenging content. Jessica Brown exhibited expert-level research skills and a sharp grasp of what group work entails, rare among undergraduates.

In my two-decade teaching career, I have met hundreds of students – many of whom have headed to law school after college, but I can remember few as outstanding and talented as Jessica. I am confident that Jessica Brown will be a success story in your summer program, and I offer her my unqualified endorsement.

Contact me if you need additional information have about her.


Rita David, Esq.

Recommendation Letter for Internship (Word Template)

Recommendation Letter for Internship

There are many opportunities for landing a Recommendation Letter for Internship, but getting one that can help secure that position may not be that easy. Crafting a recommendation letter that catches and captivates a hiring manager’s attention is paramount if you are to get the job. Your Recommendation Letter for Internship must make you stand out from the crowd. Internship recommendation letters lay the groundwork for securing admission in institutions, better employment opportunities, and receiving scholarships. Recommendation Letter for Internship tells employers what they stand to gain from hiring the addressed candidate.

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