Subject: Grade change request for Biology 101

Dear [Professor’s Name]:

This is a formal request that you change my grade in Biology 101 for the fall semester DATE from a C to a B. I understand why you gave me a C grade, but I hope you will change it because of certain circumstances that were beyond my control.

I received an A on every class test as well as an A on my project about the endangered frogs in this county. However, because I was not able to take the final exam, I received an F and my final grade was a C.

The reason I could not take the exam is that I was in the hospital with a concussion after an automobile accident.

The accident was not my fault, and I am well now, but I was under care for two weeks, during which the final exam was held. I have enclosed copies of my medical records.

I believe that if I had been able to sit for the exam, I would have made an A or B+ grade based on my other coursework. I would be happy to take the exam at any time if you would be willing to give it to me privately.

I am a pre-med student, and a C grade in any pre-med course will greatly hamper my chances of being admitted to medical school.

I would very much like to meet with you at any time that is convenient for you to discuss the possibility of my grade being raised.

I can be reached at Email Address or at Phone Number. Thank you for considering my request.


Your Name
List of Attachments: Medical Records

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