Your Name
Your Title
Company or Law Firm of Writer
Address of Writer
City, State, Zip Code


Name of Recipient
Title of Recipient
Company or Law Firm of Recipient
Address of Recipient
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Name of Recipient]:

This letter is intended to serve as a formal recommendation for [Name of Candidate] for the post of lawyer at your firm. 

[Name of Candidate] worked for my firm for seven years and was an excellent lawyer throughout that time. 

She is quitting my company because her spouse has been transferred to Your City, and she intends to follow him there. 

I’m sad for having to let her go, but I understand her desire to keep her family intact, especially since she has two small children. 

She expressed an interest in continuing her legal career, and I offered to refer her to your business.

[Name of Candidate] has a keen sense of detail, which has come in handy for our organization on multiple occasions. 

Our clients admire her calm demeanor both in and out of the courtroom. She has won a great percentage of her cases, owing to her meticulous due diligence and ability to outshine the prosecution.

[Name of Candidate] has a strong sense of community and takes at least two pro bono cases per year to assist persons who might otherwise be unable to afford legal representation. 

She provided pro bono legal guidance to a group of residents who did not want to be evicted from their homes to make way for a mall parking lot. She was successful in her lawsuit.

Everyone at the firm is saddened by her departure. She puts her various skills to work for the firm and its clients. 

I feel [Name of Candidate] will be an excellent addition to your team, and I strongly urge you to give her a chance. 

If you have any questions or would want additional information concerning her character and actions, please contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address]. I’ve also included a copy of my business card.


Your Name

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