Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


Agent’s Name
Name of Real Estate Company
Address of Real Estate Company
City, State, Zip Code

RE: Termination of real estate contract

Dear [Agent’s Name]:

This letter is a formal request for the contract between [Agent’s Name] and myself to sell the house at [Address of House] to be terminated.

On [DATE], I signed a contract with you that stated that you would show the house to potential buyers at least three times per month.

You have not showed the house even once in the last two months, which allows me to terminate the contract under the contract’s termination provision. I’d like to try selling the house on my own.

Please sign and send the enclosed termination document to me by [DATE]. I may be reached at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] if you have any questions.


Your Signature
Your Printed Name
List of Enclosures: Signed termination document

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