Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


Admission Officer’s Name
Admission Officer’s Title
University or College’s Name
College’s Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Name of Admission Officer:

Please evaluate my application to [Name of College] again. This is an official request. My application was rejected on [DATE], and the justification offered was that my SAT scores fell short of what the college required for admission.

I used test results from [DATE] for my application. After my father passed away, my mother needed support and assistance to rebuild her life. Since I am their only child, I had to assist her at the time and was unable to devote the necessary time to my SAT preparation.

I took the test again on [DATE] because I was aware that my results were inadequate. I was able to do well in my studying and raise both of my marks. My quantitative score increased from 550 to 720, and my writing score went from 570 to 750.

I am aware that my updated scores are higher than what is needed for admission. Because you have the best program for [Environmental Applications], my selected area of study, I would like to attend [name of college].

I am seeking that you reconsider your previous decision to deny my admission and grant me admittance for the upcoming semester based on these higher scores and the fact that the lower results were caused by factors outside of my control.

I can be reached at [555-123-4567] or [] if you have any questions or would like more information. I appreciate you giving my application considerable thought.


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